2007/2008 Workplace Pilot Program Results Toronto Police Service Supported by sanofi-aventis 1 June 2009
sanofi-aventis Connex Health Toronto Police Database development Health screening clinics (initial and rescreening at 6 months) Physician referrals Healthy lifestyle programs Communication Awareness of cardiometabolic health risks Prevention, detection and management Healthier employees Spring 2007 through March 2008Winter
Number of Participants ◦ Initial clinics – 510 participants, 49% of full attendance ◦ Follow-up clinics – 171 participants Participants with ‘unhealthy’ results referred to their physician Initial clinic results: >52% of participants referred Follow-up results: 49% referred visited their physician within 6 months of initial clinics New diagnosis: 26 ◦ High cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity Prescriptions: 17 3
Results Program Impact on Heart Disease Risk (Framingham Risk Assessment): Number of participants with the lowest risk (0-2% risk category) increased by 13.5% 5
Results Program Impact on CM Risk Factors: Number of participants with 0 or 1 risk factor improved by 23% Number of participants with 4 or more risk factors decreased by 39% 6
Results Note: Coronary Heart disease decrease by approximately 40% for every mmol/L reduction in LDL. Impact of Program on LDL: The LDL value with the greatest number of participants (peak in graph) improved from mmol/L to mmol/L The number of participants with and LDL value of 2.49 mmol/L or less improved by 25% 7
Results Impact of Program on TC: HDL Cholesterol: The number of participants with a TC:HDL result ‘within target’ (healthy) improved by 20% 8
Results Program Impact on Waist Circumference: The number of people with a ‘healthy’ waist circumference increased by 18% The number of people with an ‘unhealthy’ waist circumference decreased by 12% 9
Results Impact of the program on eating habits: Improvements in the number of people who reported that they ‘always’ meet the recommended daily servings of following: Grains % Fruits & Vegetables +42% Dairy +40% Whole Grains + 38% Fish +55% 10
11 Take Aways Screening can be delivered in a shift work environment in challenging locations Advance planning, and communication is essential Senior management Supervisors Employees Be flexible – clinics and programming Results can be tracked – MEASURE IT
12 Follow Up Follow Up Ongoing cardio metabolic screening Annual focus on one aspect of metabolic health across Service – 2009 blood pressure Full time physical fitness wellness coordinator New physical activity education and programming Release of employer kit for cardio metabolic screening and evaluation
13 Thank You Denise Balch x224