General Presentation Eötvös Loránd University Rector’s Office


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Presentation transcript:

General Presentation Eötvös Loránd University Rector’s Office Department for International Education and Mobility March 31 2010 Budapest

General information Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Budapest H-1053 Egyetem tér 1-3. Hungary Tel.: +36-1-266-3119 Fax: +36-1-266-9786 e-mail:

Leadership RECTOR Full Professor Ferenc Hudecz, Ph.D. VICE-RECTOR for General Affairs Full Professor Marianna Fazekas, Ph.D. VICE-RECTOR for Research and International Cooperation Full Professor Magdolna Orosz, Ph.D. VICE-RECTOR for Academic Affairs Full Professor László Zentai, Ph.D.

Brief History of ELTE 1635 founded by Péter Pázmány, the Archbishop of Esztergom (Faculties of Arts and Theology)‏ 1667 Faculty of Law 1769 Faculty of Medicine 1777 moved from Nagyszombat (Trnava) to Buda, then to Pest Turn of the 18th-19 cc. one of the 15 largest universities in the world 1949 Faculty of Science adopted the name of Loránd Eötvös (1848-1919), 2001 Lágymányos Campus completed 2000-2003 New faculties

Students' Athletics Club Table Tennis Tennis Water Polo BEAC sections: Athletics Badminton Basketball Chess Football Handball Hiking Karate Orienteering Students' Athletics Club Table Tennis Tennis Water Polo

Student, professor in mathematics Lipót Fejér (1880-1959 John von Neumann (1903-1957)‏ László Lovász (1948-)‏ Pál Erdős (1913-1996)‏

8 faculties Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Law Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Social Sciences Bárczi Gusztáv College of Special Education Faculty of Primary and Nursery School Teachers' Training Other institutions

Number of first year students: 9 282 Total number of students: 30 767 Facts and figures 1 (2009/10)‏ Number of first year students: 9 282 Total number of students: 30 767 Bachelor level training 17 079 Master level training 9 829 PhD, DLA 1 400 Vocational training 2 118 Higher-level vocaitonal training 341

Total number of academic staff: 1 424 Facts and figures 2 (2009/10)‏ Total number of academic staff: 1 424 Full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciecces (HAS) 12 Corresponding member of the HAS 12 Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 200 Candidate of Sciences 346 Master DLA 8 Dr. univ. 45 Dr. (Title)/Doctor of Sciences 35 Doctor (PhD) 734 16

Distribution of students by faculties 2009/2010

National university ranking by number of applicatoins in year 2009 Eötvös Loránd University (17% of national applications) University of Szeged University of Debrecen University of Pécs Budapest Buisness School Budapest University of Technology and Economics Corvinus University St. István University Óbuda University University of West Hungary

FP6, FP7, Welcome Trust, LLP and other International Grants FP6, FP7, Welcome Trust, LLP and other Year ammount in (€) No.: of projects 2007 3041222 16 2008 4444020 24 2009 11927030 85

International Relations 1 Main areas: International cooperation - networks - bilateral relations (bilateral and Erasmus agreements) International mobility (Teachers & Students) Foreign language programmes/possibilities University delegations

International Relations 2 University Networks EUA (European University Association), UNICA (Universities from Capitals of Europe), the Coimbra Group, the Utrecht Network the Danube Rectors' Conference CEI UniNet (Central European Initiative University Network) IAUP (International Association of University Presidents) Currently, ELTE gives the president of the DRC & Prof. László Boros is in the Executive Board of the Coimbra Group‏

International Relations 3 Bilateral Agreements extensive relationships with universities all over the world formal agreements with 120 universities in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America at an institutional or a faculty level, and 298 Erasmus partner universities. main areas of cooperation: joint training and research projects joint participation in international conferences and workshops accreditation of courses exchange of students and guest lecturers

International Relations 4 Erasmus programme Increasing number of partners and mobility: 1998-99: 64 institutions (quota: 178 students and 72 teachers) 2009-10: 317 institutions (quota: 985 students and 514 teachers) The number of Erasmus students: outgoing incoming 1998-99 : 116 19 2004-05: 265 99 2007-08: 422 + 44 (intern.) 150 2008-09: 446 + 50 (intern) 247 2009-10 (planned): 480 + 55 (intern) 320

International Relations 5 Erasmus co-operation 2009/2010 Partner universities 319 Outgoing students (study) 498 Outgoing students (student placement) 58 Incoming students 320 Outgoing teachers 97 Incoming teachers 70 Incoming experts (representatives of enterprises) 8 Outgoing administrative staff 35 Incoming administrative staff 30 24