Ferrara Monday 9, 2014 Erasmus +
The third objective of the 2014 Erasmus+ supports projects… enhancing social inclusion, equal opportunities and participation in sports
We intend to present the project “Walk with us”
The project is against Inactivity
Inactivity is the cause of several diseases
Cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes…. ….are strongly related to insufficient physical activity
The medical prescription is…. Exercise every day
The project “Walk with us” intends to guide to physical activity a large group of sedentary individuals with the assistance of experts in Sport exercises.
Aims of the “Walk with us” project Improve cardiocirculatory function Prevent non self-sufficiency Prevent inactivity-dependent diseases
Outlines of the Project 1. Weight, height, waist circumference and systolic and diastolic blood pressure of the participants are measured at entrance. 2. A booklet with instructions of what to do during the week is given and discussed with the participants.
3. Depending on their walking speed the subjects are assigned to a compatible walking group. 4. Weight, height, waist circumference, blood pressure and walking speed are measured every six months.
The results expected 1. Reduction of BMI and of waist circumference 2. Reduction of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure 3. Improvement of the walking speed and of the cardio-circulatory function
British Medical Journal, 2011 How fast does the Grim Reaper walk? Analysis in 1705 healthy men aged 70 and over
Stanaway F F et al. BMJ 2011;343:bmj.d7679 ©2011 by British Medical Journal Publishing Group
None of the men in the study with walking speeds of about 5 km per hour or greater had contact with Death