Update of Transcatheter Closure of Ventricular Septal Defect in China Yong-wen Qin Department of Cardiology, Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai
1 、 The number and quality of VSD intervention improved during past ten years
The first pmVSD patients treated with symmetric occluder ( , 21) The first post-MI VSD patient treated with symmetric occluder ( ) The first cases of VSD intervention in our center
Large VSD closure in 2002 large VSD (15mm) closed by 18mm occluder
Development of CHD intervention from 1990s-2011 in China year Patient number *
VSD intervention in last 3 years in China ( 394 hospitals ) total ASD PDA VSD PBPV Success rate97.24%97.67%98.11% Complication0.2%0.17%0.12% Mortality0.03%0.05%0.02%
2 、 Three kind of VSD devices invented and clinical use in China
Modified VSD device in China symmetric occluder thin waist occluder asymmetric occluder
Schematic diagram of ventricular septal defect occluder
The classification of VSD by ventriculography A tubular B window-like C aneurysmal D infundibular Individualization choice of the occluder according to anatomy of VSD
Infundibular VSD symmetric occluder
How to choose the occluder according to VSD Intracristal VSD asymmetric occluder
Intracristal VSD
Symmetric device ---Aortic valve regurgitation asymmetric device ---no aortic valve regurgitation
Intracristal VSD
Aortic valve regurgitation--- device inclined to one side The direction of left disk marker should be apex
Intracristal VSD When the marker turn to apex, aortic valve regurgitation became trace
Intracristal VSD No aortic valve regurgitation-- long rim direction pointed to cardiac apex
PV VSD Echo: subpulmonary VSD---near PV
VSD complicared with aortic valve prolapse
VSD 5mm rim device (10mm)
Postoperation, no aortic regurgitation However, occluder maybe oversized
VSD 7mm, near aortic valve
Echo: subpulmonary VSD---near PV
Device 9mm (L), change to Device 11mm (R)
no aortic valve regurgitation
Multi-hole VSD---device choice multi-hole VSD thin waist occluder
One device close three holes
VSD2 VSD1 device For VSD2 VSD1 VSD with two holes
Two device for two holes
Large VSD -1
Large VSD -2 14mm A6B2 device
Large VSD -3 No aoric valve regurgitation,no TVR
PDA device for large VSD
20mm PDA device
PDA device for large VSD
post-myocardial infarction VSDmuscular occluder Post-myocardial infarction VSD
Postoperative residual perimembranous VSD Transcatheter closure of postoperative residual perimembranous VSD
PS and large VSD VSD 17mm, device 24mm
3 、 Conduction Block complicated with VSD Intervention: experience in china
anthorsampleAVB%cAVB%PPMonsetrecovery Song et al (8.2%) 8012h d Xie et al (2.5%) 623-6d8-10d Wang et al (5.5%) dNA Zhang et al (7.3%) d4-27d Wu et al (19.6%) 005d Zhu et al (6.4%) 501-8d6-10d Liu et al (19.5) 617d21d Yu et al (33%) 803-9d3-7d Qin et al (5.4%) 102-5d5-10d Past Literature Review in China
Clinial trial data of Amplatzer VSD device Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2006, 68(4): (n=100) J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006, 47(2): (n=35) Eur Heart J. 2007, 28: (n=430) N: 565 Success rate % 3rd AVB 2-8 % PPM 12 (3.8 % ) death1
The data on VSD occluder in China from 21 centers (N=9311, 2007) Success rate 96.45% Death 0.05% (5) Transient cAVB 0.63% (59) PPM 0.09% (8)
2011 registry data in China 5474 cases with vsd in 394 hospital in china PPM 1case
The data from Changhai hospital ( ) , 196 cases underwent percutaneous procedure (using symmetry device), no cAVB , among 300 cases (Symmetry, Eccentric 、 thin waist devices), 11 cases complicated transient 3rd degree AVB, permanent pacemaker occur in 1 case , sequence 550 cases with Symmetry, Eccentric,thin waist devices, cAVB occur 1 patient
The possible reason of increase AVB from 2003 to 2006 ? Patients: patients non-selected, consecutive patients admitted Doctors: personnel stability, and operation technology maturity Indication: increased intracristal multi-holes and aneurysm type VSD Devices: Application of asymmetric occluder
Device waist length and AVB more than 3.5 mm---no case with AVB less than 2.5mm---12/300 with AVB more than 3.5mm---no case with AVB
Chinese device shape at immediate compared with amplatzer devices amplatzer devicesShape change AVB device shape at immediate
3 rd AVB
My opinion is that device is key factor for conduction block. Device tension---flex Contact area with the septal Size --- waist diameter Length of waist The risk factor of AVB
Choose the proper device size Avoid oversized device AVB seems to be fewer in symmetric occluder. “Nice” occluder Individualized choice of occluder for pts Very experienced hands Major success experience on prevention of AVB
Other Risk factors for the Occurrence of AVB Type of VSD: perimembranous VSD inlet VSD (behind the septal leaflet of tricuspid valve)
The VSD intervention is safe, effective and an alternative method to surgery or first choice in China
Wire-Maintaining Technique Using this novel technique, the reconstruction of ‘‘arteriovenous wire loop’’ could be avoided in patients requiring device replacement. QIN, et al. CCI 75:66 – 71 (2010) 4 、 Useful technique in intervention of VSD
Large VSD (22mm) Wire-Maintaining Technique
How to choose the patient for VSD closure- ---TTE three views the apical 5-chamber view LV long axis l view Aortic short axis view Compared to TEE, TTE is enough!
Thank you