SENIOR PROM Senior Prom: Friday, May 8, 2015 Time: 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM Door close at 9:00 PM Place: Roostertail, 100 Marquette Drive, Detroit, MI (313) Prom Guest Passes are due March 27 th by 2:40pm. (NO exceptions!) You MUST have your current BHS Student I.D. (Guests need a photo I.D.) If ordering pictures, money will be due at prom, photos will be mailed to your home approximately 2 weeks later.
TICKET SALES AND PRICE Tickets are $70.00 and can be purchased during lunch March 31 st – April 2 nd and in room 331 after school on April 1 st & 2 nd. Tickets will also be available for purchase on Payschools found on the BHS website. Bring in your receipt from Payschools to select your table for prom during lunches March 31 st – April 2 nd. You must pre-choose your table, and your selection may not be changed.
SENIOR PARTY Senior Party Tickets are $5.00 and can be purchase during prom ticket sales. Senior Party begins immediately after graduation on May 28, 2015 Senior MUST be at the school by 10:30pm or they will not get in. Senior will enjoy a fun night, hanging out with their peers for the last time inside of BHS! Hope to see all of you there!
Senior T-Shirts Pre-order you SENIOR Shirt during prom ticket sales. Senior shirts are $10.00 Senior shirts will be distribute during lunch in late April, so listen for the announcement. If shirts are not picked up during that time, it is YOUR responsibility to pick them up from my room 331 during passing time.
The BHS/Roostertail 2015 Prom Dress Code A young lady’s hemline should be not shorter than 6” above the knees. Dresses may be backless, as long as they are not cut below the waist line. No midriff-bearing cutouts or cutouts below the waist (Translucent fabric cannot be used as a replacement). Slits cannot go further than 6” above the knee. No plunging neck lines, modest cleavage is OK. Ladies, if you plan to remove your shoes, bring flats. Gentlemen are not to remove, unbutton, or untuck their shirts. Gentlemen must keep their shoes on.
YES !!
If in doubt…ASK BEFORE YOU BUY!!!