Fitness Circuit Mrs. Arland
Circuit Instructions Take your resting heart rate. A healthy range is between beats per minute. Jog anywhere from 3-5 minutes to warm up. Stretch if necessary. Go through the circuit doing each station for at least 1 minute. Rest for approximately 15 seconds between each station. Jog for 3-5 minutes at the end of the circuit. Take heart rate again. Should be at least 140 beats for a positive gain.
Dumbbell Row (Upper Body) Stand straight w/ a dumbbell in each hand. Bend forward at the waist. Keeping arms close to your torso, pull both dumbbells up until they touch the sides of your chest. Hold a second & release down. Do 30 reps.
Bosu Ball Squats (Lower body) Stand w/ feet hip width apart. Weight on heels. Lower down as you are to sit on a bench. Keep your back straight & don’t lean forward. Once your upper leg is parallel to the floor, raise back up. 30 repetitions
Medicine Ball Partner Twist (core) Stand back to back with your partner. One partner holds a medicine ball and twists at the waist to hand it to your partner who is twisting to receive the ball. Repeat for 1 minute.
Jumping Rope (Cardio) Using a rope jump begin with both feet together & jump 50 times then one foot at a time (50x) followed by alternating feet (50x) 10 double jumps finish off going as fast as possible until time allows
Back Stretch (Flexibility) Lie flat on your back with both legs straight & together. Lift your right leg straight in the air and cross up and over your left leg down to the floor. Keep your shoulder blades flat on the ground. Hold for 30 seconds & switch legs.
Bicep Curls with Troy Bar (Upper Body) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your sides. Hold the troy bar with your palms facing forward. Keep elbows locked firmly against your rib cage. Curl both arms up & hold for a second focusing on squeezing your biceps. Slowly lower your arms back to the starting position. (30x)
Thigh Raises (Lower Body) Put Band around both ankles. Lay on your side and lift your upper leg up to the ceiling. Try to keep both legs straight and lift at a steady and controlled pace. After completing 30 reps on the right leg, roll over and switch to the left leg for 30 repetitions.
100’s (Core) Lie on your back with your legs in the air at a 90 degree angle. Arms are straight down at your side. Begin pumping your arms, keeping them straight, between 4-8” off the ground. Repeat 100 times.
Step Plyo (Cardio) Stand facing a vertical step box with your right foot on top of it & your left foot on the floor behind it. Push off the right foot, hop up into the air and land with your left foot on the box & your right foot on the floor. Continue alternating legs for one minute.
Hurdler Stretch (flexibility) Sit on the floor with one leg extended straight out & the other folded inward to your inner thigh. Reach for your toe & hold for 30 seconds. Switch legs & repeat.
Body Ball Push-up (upper body) Assume push-up position, with your feet placed on top of a stability ball. While keeping your balance perform a push-up. Repeat 30 times.
Pelvic Thrust (lower body) Lie on your back in front of a bench w/ your knees bent & your heels on the bench. Legs should form a 90 degree angle with your knees directly above your hips. Press your heels down into the bench, lifting your hips off the floor as high as you can. Squeeze your glutes & hold for a second & then lower down. Repeat 30 times.
Side Plank with Inner Thigh Raise (core) Lie on your right side, legs extended. Raise your hips up until your body forms a straight line from head to toe. Lift your left leg toward the ceiling, making sure to keep it straight. Perform 30 times & then switch sides.
Butt Kicks (cardio) Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Jog forward making sure to bring your heel up to your glutes each time you lift your foot. Try to keep a fast pace & really kick yourself in the glutes! Go continuously for 1 minute.
Wall Splits (Flexibility) Lie with your back flat on the ground and your tushy up against the wall. Start with your legs perpendicular to your body & flat up against the wall. Gradually begin to widen your legs out into a splits position or as far as you can go. Hold for a minute.