Anna Dziedzic
What is overweight ? Overweight / obesity is lingering disease caused by excessive production of energy which various food items contain in the relation to the needs of the body, which results in storing the excess of that energy as fat.
BMI BMI which is Body Mass Index is characterized by relation between body weight and growth. By calculating the BMI we can determine the amount of body fat.
A body mass index is calculated by the following formula:
WHR This acronym stands for Waist to Hip Ratio and is used to specify the type of obesity and fat distribution.
Obesity is generally divided into two main types: Apple type - abdominal obesity, men and older women are more predisposed for this type. It is far more dangerous to the health because it increases the risk of suffering many other diseases. Pear type – women are more predisposed of this type than men, it happens when the fat accumulates around the hips and thighs; it is less risky in terms of suffering diseases
Differences in the frequency of occurence of these types of obesity, according to gender, are result of different placement of body fat conditioned by hormonal and genetic factors.
Interpretation of results:Women WHR > 0,8 - demonstrates the apple type obesity WHR < 0,8 – pear type obesityMen WHR > 1 – it is the apple type obesity WHR < 1 – obesity of pear type
Effects Obesity in developed countries is a social problem, and it may raise its level to the epidemic problem. It is considered one of the dangerous lifestyle diseases of developed societies.
Disease and symptoms associated with obesity Hypertension myocardial infarction and stroke stroke, spinal degeneration kidney diseases atherosclerosis a greater tendency to cancer stretch marks
Causes of obesity The most common cause of obesity is overfeeding, but also: Genetic factors - may cause obesity or increase vulnerability to its development. Biological agents - also play a role in the occurance of obesity. Damage of certain body organs can cause the development of the obesity. This causes an excessive food intake. Pharmacological agents - the drugs which intake may lead to gaining weight include antidepressants, antianxiety drugs, psychotropic medications, anticonvulsants and insulin. Psychological factors - such as mood disorders may be the cause of obesity. People with depression learn that eating can partially reduce the it symptoms, by providing short- term pleasure.
How to fight it? No slimming aid will help everyone, or at least not to the same extent. Herbal mixes such as herbal tea usually contain a blend of herbal laxatives and diuretic substances. They clean intestines from food remains, and deprive the body of water. They accelerate the passage of food through the intestines. Nutritionists warn that slimming aids are not able to quickly and permanently help us loose fat tissue, they can only support our weight loss. Doctors from the Institute of Food and Nutrition recommend that powder aids should substitute no more than one meal per day.
Regular physical exercises and aerobics for obese people are often impossible to do. Therefore, the best way to assist your diet is to consult your doctor. Aqua aerobic is often recommended – exercises are easier to perform in the water, joints are also strained less.
The best way to fight with obesity is to minimize the unhealthy fats in your diet, and to have a lot of movement.
Quiz What types of obesity we distinguish? What is the formula for calculating BMI? What are the best ways to fight the obesity?
Responses Pear and apple types. Weight / (height) 2 Minimize unhealthy fats and have a lot of movement.