Fashion and teenagers
School survey. In Saint-Petersburg a lot of schools demand special uniform. In different schools the uniform is different. For example blue or green jackets and skirts or trousers. But pupils often think that the uniform is awful and they don’t observe the rules. And out of the school they change completely. We’ve organized a survey and asked students from our school about what they wear *in* and *out* of the school. They say that people are influenced by their environment and surroundings. How do you think, does St.Petersburg influence the character and personality of the people who live there. Does it influence the style of their clothes they choose to wear?
Questionnaire HOW IMPORTANT IS ‘STYLE’ FOR YOU? How important are clothes in your life? a) I don’t care. I prefer to wear something comfortable. b) I’m not a fashion victim. But I prefer smart clothes. c) I always follow the latest fashion What is the most important part of clothes for you? a) I think it is trousers or skirts (jeans or bridges) b) I think jackets or T-Shirts. c) Different accessories Are you crazy on fashion? a) Yes b) No c) I don’t know You are invited to a party. What would you wear? a) Beautiful dress. b) Jeans and T-Shirt c) Does it matter?
Questionnaire How often do you buy fashion magazines? 1.Hardly ever 2.Sometimes 3.Every Issue What clothes do you wear at school? 1.School uniform 2.Jeans and jackets 3.I don’t care How would you define your own style in clothes? – I like the latest gear – I like classy things 3.independent – I wear what I like How much do you know about the latest fashions? 1. I am well-informed 2. I know something 3. I haven’t got a clue
Results Here are the results: Only 26% of pupils agree to wear the uniform. About 90% of girls would like to wear fashionable clothes. They care about their appearance a lot. About 12% of pupils don’t care about the way they look. 75% of pupils suppose that clothes they wear at school and at home mustn't be the same.
Fashion influences our city Saint-Petersburg is the cultural capital of our country. Therefore our citizens try to follow the fashion. There are various fashion shows and exhibitions. Different styles were popular at different times. Modern teenagers look different from the ones of 1980s. A lot of popular designers (for example Igor Chapurin) work in Saint-Petersburg. We’ve asked Igor to give us a piece of advice how to look better: Patterns make things look bigger, so if you are not as slim as you would like to be: Wear plain colours or choose simple patterns. Be very careful with stripes. If you are tall and thin, don't wear vertical stripes. You'll look like a lamp post. A T-shirt with horizontal stripes, on the other hand, has the opposite effect. It will make 'your shoulders look broader. That's good news for all you guys who want broad shoulders. But girls, if you want a narrower waist don't wear clothes with horizontal stripes
In the old days The famous American actress and singer Merilin Monroe strictly followed the fashion of The most popular costumes in 19 th century.
Now Today the modernist style has become popular. The young prefer to mix something old with something new. It is welcomed. Teenagers also like city style.
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