Mediterranean plants
The plants, which are mainly cultivated since ancient times until today in Greece and many other Mediterranean countries, are
the olive
and the vine.
Here are two myths, one for each plant, from the Greek mythology which are about the start of their cultivation from the Greeks.
The goddess Athena, the donor of the olive
The gods Poseidon 1 and Athena 2 claimed the protection and the name of Athens.
The opponents went up the rock of Acropolis and competed in front the other gods and Cecrops 3 the king of the city, who was the judge.
Poseidon struck the ground with his trident and immediately spurted a wave of salt water. (In another variation of the myth instead of water sprang a white horse).
Athena struck the ground with her spear and a little olive tree appeared. Immediately it grew and filled olives.
Cecrops considered Athena’s gift is more useful. So the goddess Athena became the protectress of the city and gave the city her name.
1 Poseidon In Greek mythology Poseidon is the god of the sea, the rivers, the springs and the drinking water. He is the brother of Zeus and one of the twelve gods of Olympus. In his hand he holds the trident.
In Greek mythology Athena is the goddess of the wisdom. She is the favorite daughter of Zeus and one of the twelve gods of Olympus. She has the owl as a symbol. She is armed and always virgin. 2 Athena
The Parthenon on the Acropolis of Athens, perhaps the finest monument of human civilization, is the most famous temple dedicated to her.
3 Cecrops Cecrops was a very ancient form of Attica, native, born of the Earth itself. He was double- natured. From the waist up he was a man and from the waist down a snake.
The birth of wine
Once upon a time, the ancient god Dionysus was hosted by the king of Εtolia, Ιneas. He enjoyed the hospitality so much, that he wanted to offer him a gift in return.
In a distant country where he found himself, he took a small and tender vine and wrapped the roots in mud, to protect it not to wither.
He searched and found a small hollow bone and put it in it. It was a bone of a nightingale
He walked a lot to arrive at Ineas’ palace. But he was still far away and the vine started growing. Dionysus began to look for something else to put it, so that it doesn’t wither. He found a bigger bone of a lion.
He walked a lot again and he realized that the vine was growing so much and started getting out of its case. He searched again and found a much bigger bone, which was a bone of a pig, and he put the vine in it.
So he arrived in Etolia. Ιneas accepted the gift of Dionysus with joy and planted it. It grew and gave fruits, nice and juicy grapes.
Ineas ate some of them and pressed the rest to make wine. He saw with curiosity, that juice fermented quickly and turned in to wine.
But the wine got both good and bad elements from the animals, which grew it in their bones. So, if someone drinks a little wine, feels like a bird and starts singing.
But, if someone continues drinking more wine, becomes like a lion and starts roaring seeking a fight. And if someone drinks even much more, he becomes like the quadruped animal, in the bone of which, Dionysus placed the vine for the last time.
We thank Mr. Athanasios Georgiou, School Advisor of English Language, for his help in translation from Greek language in English of the myth “The birth of wine”.
The paintings made by Dimitra Goutzo (Ambi Blue Tamashi), student of class C.
Biography Dimitra Goutzo (Ambi Blue Tamashi) is a 14 yeared old student, who lives in Ioannina-Greece and her dream is to become an artist. She has been drawing since she was 4, motivated by her father Yiannis Goutzos, who is a professional artist-painter. On April 4 th 2011, following a proposal from the Headmaster of High School of Perama Ioannina Mr. Athanasios Tsanis, she displayed her art at the Prefecture of Ioannina.
She prefers drawing things from her fantasy inspired by the Japanese cartoon Art (manga) and realistic portraits. All of her artwork is made whether with color pencils or pencils. If you would like to view more of her creation, please visit her site: