Beginning Question And Research Hypothesis And Experiment Analysis And Conclusion
Question How do I make the perfect shot in Basketball? Is there a method to the skill or is it just luck? Scientific method Beginning
Research According to my research the correct calculations to make the perfect shot is to aim at the back of the rim at 52 degrees to the horizontal and put 3 Hz backspin. The spin deadens the ball so it falls right in the hoop and do all this in one smooth speed. Scientific Method Beginning
Hypothesis Yes, the necessary power, intelligence and trajectory to complete a perfect streak of an aligned basketball attempts to shoot correctly through the hoop. Beginning Scientific Method
Experiment Be about 4 or 5 ft from the basketball goal Play with the ball to get used to it`s weight Shoot the ball from your chest about 5 times Repeat step 3 just shoot from your waist Repeat steps 3 through 4 just jump slightly in the air Now for the final experiment run halfway across the court and practice shooting to see which is better for you After you are done just to clarify repeat steps 3 and 4 from both sides of the goal Beginning Scientific Method
Analysis Failure!!-Regular shot EPIC FAILURE!! Failure!!- waist Success!!-Chest Beginning Scientific Method
Conclusion Beginning Scientific Method Shooting from my chest was the most successful for my trajectory intelligence or just how strong I am shooting.
Scientific Method Beginning