Lacrosse Rules of the Game
Lacrosse Rules Field Layout Player Positions Player Equipment “Offsides” and “Out of Bounds” rules Substitution rules Fouls Game Situations Different Rules for Youth Lacrosse
Lacrosse Field Substitution Area “Box” Team A Sideline Team B Sideline Defensive Zone Face Off Area 110 yds Wing Area Offensive Zone (“Box”) 20 yds 20 yds 15 yds Crease (9 ft radius) 60 yds “X” 40 yds Wing Area
Player Positions 10 players max. 3 Attack (typically on the offensive side of the field) 3 Midfielders (typically run the whole field) 3 Defenders (typically on the defensive side of the field) 1 Goalie All players may run the entire length of the field (note “offsides” rule) Up to 4 long sticks can be on the field at any time Players may serve time penalties, requiring a team to play with less players on the field “Man-up” or “Extra-Man” vs. “Man-down”
Goalie’s Crease Offensive players are not allowed in the crease (sticks are) Defensive players can be in the crease, but cannot carry the ball from outside the crease back into it (results in possession change). This includes the goalie. The ball can be passed back to the goalie in the crease Goalie is protected as long as he is in the crease (as long as one foot remains in the crease) When in the crease and in possession of the ball, the Goalie’s stick can not be interfered with (results in ‘free clear”) Goalie has 4 seconds to get the ball out of the crease (pass it or run it out)
Equipment – Stick Lengths Age Short Stick Long Stick U9 37” - 42” n/a U11 37” – 42” 47” – 52” U13 & U15 40” – 42” 52” – 72” Goalies: 40” – 72”
Equipment – Stick Pocket Depth is legal when the top of the ball remains above the bottom of the head’s wall when placed in the pocket of a horizontal stick Ball must freely fall from pocket when turned upside down
Required Protective Equipment Helmet with 4-point chinstraps (designed for lacrosse) Mouthpiece Gloves (with unaltered palms; designed for lacrosse) Shoulder pads (designed for lacrosse) Arm pads (designed for lacrosse) Goalies: Chest protector (instead of shoulder pads) Throat protector Athletic Cup
Off-sides Rule Off-sides! Must always have: 4 players on the defensive side 3 players on the offensive side Off-sides! M M A A D D A G M M A G D D D D A A M M
Off-sides Rule Legal Transition Must always have: 4 players on the defensive side 3 players on the offensive side Legal Transition M M A A D D A G M M A G D D D D A A M M
Out of Bounds….. If ball is: Carried out of bounds Deflects off of a player or his stick and goes out of bounds Passed out of bounds the team that last touched the ball before it went out of bounds loses possession Play restarts on the field (passing-in is not required like most other sports)
Ball out of Bounds….. If ball goes out of bounds due to a missed shot, the team closest to the ball when it goes out of bounds, gets the ball …..therefore offense (attack) should always be backing up the goal Again, play restarts on the field
Substitutions Always through the Substitution Box “On the horn” when ball goes out along a sideline Not when ball goes out the endline “On the fly”
“Horn” Substitutions M M M M M M A D A D M M A A D D G G M D M A D A M Ball went out of bounds, along a sideline. “Horn” called by coaches. All can sub at once.
“On the Fly” Substitutions D A D A D M M A A D D M G G M M D M A D A While play is continuing on the field. Player coming on to the field can’t come on until after the other player has left the field.
Checking Stick Checks Body Checks Striking an opponent’s stick or the gloved hand holding the stick Body Checks From the front or side, between the waist and shoulders, with both hands on the stick Both can be performed within 3 yards of a loose ball (on the ground or in the air)
Personal Fouls More serious Results in 1, 2 or 3 minute time-serving penalty, depending on severity Releasable (ended by an opponent’s goal) or non-releasable
Personal Fouls Illegal Stick (length, pocket) / Illegal Equipment Unsportsmanlike Conduct Slashing Vicious (“intended to harm”) uncontrolled swinging of the stick Striking opponent in the body with the stick (a hand on the stick is considered part of the stick) Cross-check Checking or holding a player with the part of the shaft between the player’s hands Tripping
Personal Fouls Illegal Body Check Unnecessary Roughness At youth level, check must be delivered upright (can not lower head or shoulder) More than 3 yards from ball Delivered without 2 hands on the stick From behind Below the waist or above the shoulders Leading with the head (can be called on the player with the ball) Leaving feet To a player on the ground Avoidable (ie. well after a player has passed or shot the ball) No “take-out” checks: considered more aggressive than necessary Unnecessary Roughness Can be called on the player with the ball if they intentionally try to run over the defender (it’s not football)
Technical Fouls Less serious Results in change of possession if the ball is loose or the offending team has possession Results in a 30 second releasable penalty if the offended team has possession
Technical Fouls Offsides Pushing (from behind) May not push a player from behind From side and front is legal, when opponent has the ball or is within 3 yards of a loose ball Usually occurs during a loose ball situation Illegal Screen (moving pick, just like basketball) Offensive player moving into or blocking a defensive player, while his team has the ball Only called when a team has possession of the ball Stationary picks are legal
Technical Fouls Holding Interference Warding off Holding opponent with free hand or with stick Interference Interfering with an opposing player’s movement, when more than 3 yards away from the ball Common interference: restricting an offensive player from running through the crease area or setting a pick and placing the stick out to the side Warding off Player with the ball uses his free hand to push or control the direction of the defender or the defender’s stick Using the loose arm as a stationary “shield” is legal
Technical Fouls Withholding ball from play Offensive Stalling Lying or sitting on a loose ball or clamping it for longer than necessary to obtain possession Offensive Stalling Team with possession is not making an attempt to attack the goal Referee will give a warning first Crease Violation Illegal Procedure illegal substitution, too many men on the field, etc.
Technical Fouls Failure to Advance (similar to 10 second half-court violation in basketball) Failure to clear the ball across midfield in 20 seconds Once across midfield, failure to get the ball into the offensive “box” within 10 seconds If the ball leaves the box, another 10 second countdown starts
Failure to Advance > 20 seconds > 10 seconds
Fouls - Delayed Calls “Play On” Slow Whistle (“Flag Down”) For loose-ball, technical fouls when the offended player is put at a disadvantage if the play is stopped Referee will delay his whistle until a situation of advantage (gained or lost) is complete Slow Whistle (“Flag Down”) When a team with the ball is fouled and keeps possession, the official calls the foul by throwing a flag Play continues until possession is lost or the ball leaves the offensive zone
Game Situations Face-offs
Face Offs Play is started at beginning of each quarter and after each goal with a faceoff Wing player may take position anywhere behind the wing line, on offensive or defensive side of midfield Attack and Defensive players must remain behind defensive area line until possession is called Faceoff players – crouch with sticks back to back (right handed), entire body to the left of the throat of his stick, sticks parallel to midfield line and not touching the ball.
Face-off Line-up M M A A D D A A G M M G D D D D A A M M Once the Blue middie gains possession of the ball, the attack and defense can release into the face-off area
Game Situations Man-up / Man-down
Blue Team is 1 Man-Down. Red Team is Man-up 6-5 “Man-Up / Man-Down” M A D A M D LSM A D G A M M G D D M A D A Blue Team is 1 Man-Down. Red Team is Man-up
5-4 “Man-Up / Man-Down” M A D A M A D M D G A M G D D A D A Blue Team is 2 Man-Down. Red Team is down 1 man, resulting in them still being Man-up.
Blue Team is down 2 men. Red Team is Man-up 6-4 “Man-Up / Man-Down” M A D A M M A D D G A M G D D M A D A Blue Team is down 2 men. Red Team is Man-up
“Man-Down” – getting your man back on the field LSM A D G A M M G D D M A D A When penalty expires, the Attackman re-enters the field & maintains “on-sides”, allowing the Middie to even up the defense Blue gets their Middie closer to the defensive zone by removing an Attackmen. Blue Team is 1 Man-Down. Red Team is Man-up.
“Man-up / Man-down” Situation at End of Quarter If penalty time remains at the end of the quarter, the remainder of the time will be served in the next quarter If a team has possession of the ball at the end of the quarter and a penalty is still being served, that team starts the next quarter with possession (no face-off)
“Man-Down” Face-off Line-up G M M A G D D D D A A M M Blue Team is 1 Man-Down. During the face-off, an Attackman can come up to the wing position. He must stay on the offensive side of the field to stay “on-sides”.
Last 2 minutes of the game Game Situations Last 2 minutes of the game
Last Two Minutes of the Game “Keep it in the Box” D A M M A D D A M G M G D M A D M D A Red must keep the ball within the offensive “box”. Blue might pull the goalie from the cage and attempt to double the ball.
Different Rules for Youth Lacrosse Youth rules emphasize player safety and development. As such the overall physicality of the game is less than in high school and college. All checking penalties tend to be called more strictly at the youth level. At U9 – reduced # of players with reduced field size Usually play: 2 attack, 2 defenders, 3 middies Shot-blocker may be used for a “goalie” At U9 and U11 No body checking (“boxing out” is acceptable) No time limit for “advancing the ball” No stalling or “keep it in” rule at end of game At U15 ONLY: Controlled, one-handed stick checks are legal
Different Rules for Youth Lacrosse Legal stick lengths – vary by age group Length of Game U9: will vary depending on play-day format U11-U15: 10 minute, stop time quarters If score is tied at the end of regulateion, one 4 minute “sudden victory” OT period All: “Mercy Rules” A team 4 or more goals behind automatically gets the ball, unless waived by the losing team’s coach After first half, if there is an 8 goal differential, running clock will be used