1 Deemed Savings for Hot Water Savings Measures in Multifamily Buildings Showerheads Faucet Aerators Pipe Wrap Tank Wrap
Low Flow Showerheads & Aerators Current Savings Assumptions –Showerhead = 158 kWh/yr –Aerators = 0 kWh/yr –3 year measure life Seattle Apartment/Condominium Program –Over 65,000 units had showerheads & aerator –Sub-metered water use in 93 units in 7 buildings Showerhead user flow rate pre- 2.3 gpm Showerhead user flow rate post- 1.6 gpm –Savings = 200 kWh/yr Hot faucet use/day pre gal Hot faucet use/day post- 8.4 gal –Savings = 90 kWh/yr (kitchen) –Savings = 80 kWh/yr (bathroom)
3 Low Flow Showerhead & Aerator Issues EPAC 1992 set maximum showerhead flow rate at 2.5 gpm and faucet aerator flow rate at 2.75 gpm. Oregon and Washington Code required these beginning in 1989/91. –Therefore, if a consumer replaces there showerhead, it must use 2.5 gpm or less. This means “expected measure life” of incremental savings is shorter. Median expected life of showerheads is between 7 – 12 years. –This means that at least 50% of the showerheads already use 2.5 gpm or less. Seattle study indicated average “user” showerhead flow rate of 2.3 gpm. –This means that 2.0 gpm or less showerheads are required on average to produce savings. AWWA Research Foundation (1999) showed end-use metering of almost 1200 homes indicated average faucet flow rate of 1.35 gpm. –This means that 1.0 gpm or less faucet are required on average to produce savings.
4 Kitchen and Bathroom Faucet Aerators Other Historical Savings Assumptions –PacifiCorp (Single Family) One Kitchen + One Bath – 100 kWh, de-rated to 73 kWh/yr for persistence –PSE One Kitchen + One Bath = 150 kWh –PGE Kitchen – 32 kWh/yr Bath – 21 kWh/yr –SCL Bath – 35 kWh/yr
5 Kitchen and Bathroom Faucet Aerators – Summary of Field Research AWWA Research Foundation (Approx homes, sub-metered fixtures in 1999) –10.9 gals/day/capita over 8.1 minutes/day/capita –1.35 gpm average flow rate Seattle Water Department (2000) – Single Family –Retrofitted 60 bathroom faucets w/ 1.5 gpm aerators and 27 kitchen faucets w/ 2.2 gpm aerators –Total water use decreased from 9.2 gals/day/capita to 8.0 gals/day/capita. Reduction was statistically significant. –Hot water use was also reduced, but reduction was not statistically significant.
6 Kitchen and Bathroom Faucet Aerators Deemed Savings Options Option 1 – Do not accept savings from aerators unless they are documented using RTF Savings Estimation Protocols Option 2 – Establish deemed savings value for aerators for multifamily buildings based on SCL/PSE/BPA research
7 Hot Water Heater Tank Wrap Current Status – Eligible measure, no deemed value BPA Research (Biemer,Auburg &Ek) –190 kWh/yr savings for wrapping EF86 Tank w/R11 –152 kWh/yr adjusted for space heating interaction Cost $12 for wrap, $15 for installation –5 yrs = $18 –7 yrs = $25 –10 yrs = $34
8 Hot Water Heater Tank Wrap - Options Option 1 – Maintain eligibility, but do not establish deemed savings Option 2 – Establish deemed savings based on R11 wrap of EF86 tank with measure life of ? years.