Le Leçon 2
Les Objectifs 1.Revision – spelling names using the alphabet 2.Asking for introductions 3.3 ways of asking questions in French 4.Se faire connaissance – Listen to people saying what they do 5.Cardinal and ordinal numbers 6.Nationalities and languages. 7.Communiquer en classe (voc)
Le Vocabulaire Écouter(1)To listen Pouvoir (irreg)To be able/can Répéter(1)To repeat Regarder (1)To look at Écrire (4)To write Cocher (1)To check Souligner (1)To underline
Le Vocabulaire Se prononcer (1)To pronounce Parler (1)To talk Ouvrir(irreg)To open Fermer(1)To close Travailler (1)To work Comprendre (4)To understand Savoir (irr)To know