Ağaç like the a in car
Bilgisayar like the b in bet
Ceylan like the g in gender
Çiçek like the ch in chance
Dolap like the d in debt
Elma like the e in less
Fare like the f in federal
Gözlük like the g in game
Ağaç this is a very weak sound, not pronouncing at all will be ok
Horoz like the h in hello
Işık like the e in halted
İğne like the ee in keen
Jilet like the ge in garage
Kitap like the k in kelly
Limon like the l in lamb
Masa like the m in man
Nal like the n in neighbor
Okul like the a in ball
Öğretmen Öğrenci like the u in urge
Para like the p in pen
Resim like the r in rent
Sandalye like the s in send
Şeker like the sh in shed
Telefon Televizyon like the t in tennis
Uçak like the oo in good
Üzüm like the ui in fruit
Valiz like the v in vent
Yıldız like the y in yes
Zarf like the z in zebra