Conjugación – un repaso Vamos a volver a español 1
Yo sé conjugar un verbo regular
Stem Changing / Boot Verbs
Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs e→ie o→ue u→ue
Los verbos que cambian (o→ue)and (e→ie) Almorzar Dormir Volver Llover Empezar Entender Querer Merendar To have lunch To sleep To return To rain To begin (start) To understand to want to have a snack
Stem-changing verbs give their stems the boot! How do these verbs work?
Verb endings If a verb ends in –ar, you add: o as a amos an
Verb endings If a verb ends in –er, you add: o es e emos en if a verb ends in –ir, you add: o es e imos en
Volver- to return (o-ue) v__lvvolv v__lvvolv v__lv o es e emos en ue éis
Dormir- to sleep d__rmdorm d__rmdorm d__rm ue o es imos e ís en
Almorzar- to have lunch Almuerzo a las once y media. alm__rzalmorz alm__rzalmorz alm__rz o as a amos áis an ue
Llover- to rain Cuando llueve me gusta leer. Ll v Va a llover (ir + a + infinitve e ue
El Fin
So, since “querer” ends en “er” (querer), which endings will we add? The “er” endings: o es e emos en
Now, let’s add our stem change. Remember, only the e in the stem can change. quer er entend er If there are two e’s in the stem, the second one always changes. prefer ir empez ar
Now let’s change the stems. Remember, e can change to ie only within the boot. This means the nosotros & vosotros form never changes!
Querer quier quer emos quierquer quier o e es en éis
The u→ue and o→ue verbs work the same way. Poder Jugar Dormir Soñar Volver Devolver to be able to (can) to play to sleep to dream to return (to a place) to return (a thing)
First, find the o or u in the stem that is going to change P o der Jugar D o rmir S o ñar V o lver Dev o lver
Then, decide which verb endings you will use. For jugar: o as a amos an For volver: o es e emos en
Then change it in the boot- Jugar- to play a sport juegojugamos juegasjugáis juegajuegan