Understanding the ERBs: Understanding the ERBs: A Presentation for FSH Parents
What are the ERBs? ERB: Educational Records Bureau, a non-profit educational service organization which meets the student assessment needs of over 1500 independent school and suburban public school members ERB: Educational Records Bureau, a non-profit educational service organization which meets the student assessment needs of over 1500 independent school and suburban public school members ERB member schools include independent schools from 46 states and 42 countries and suburban public school districts from every region of the United States ERB member schools include independent schools from 46 states and 42 countries and suburban public school districts from every region of the United States
CTP-4 and WrAP What we refer to as “the ERBs” is a standardized achievement test, the Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP-4), “designed specifically for high-achieving schools and schools wishing to set high standards.” What we refer to as “the ERBs” is a standardized achievement test, the Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP-4), “designed specifically for high-achieving schools and schools wishing to set high standards.” CTP-4 includes subtests that vary by grade level CTP-4 includes subtests that vary by grade level WrAP (Writing Assessment Program) WrAP (Writing Assessment Program)
Third Grade CTP-4 Tests Auditory Comprehension Auditory Comprehension Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Word Analysis Word Analysis Writing Mechanics Writing Mechanics Mathematics Mathematics
Fourth Grade CTP-4 Tests Auditory Comprehension Auditory Comprehension Verbal Reasoning Verbal Reasoning Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Writing Concepts and Skills Writing Concepts and Skills Writing Mechanics Writing Mechanics Mathematics, Parts 1 & 2 Mathematics, Parts 1 & 2 Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning
Fifth and Sixth Grade CTP-4 Tests Verbal Reasoning Verbal Reasoning Vocabulary Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Writing Concepts and Skills Writing Concepts and Skills Writing Mechanics Writing Mechanics Mathematics, Parts 1 & 2 Mathematics, Parts 1 & 2 Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning
Differences among Grade Levels In addition to differences in the specific tests administered, In addition to differences in the specific tests administered, Third grade tests are all untimed Third grade tests are all untimed Fourth grade Auditory Comprehension test is untimed Fourth grade Auditory Comprehension test is untimed FSH students in Grades 4, 5 and 6 take the WrAP in addition to the CTP-4 FSH students in Grades 4, 5 and 6 take the WrAP in addition to the CTP-4
WrAP Administered over a two-day period Administered over a two-day period Time to do pre-writing, write a rough Time to do pre-writing, write a rough draft and revise draft and revise Scored by two readers, according to a rubric covering 6 dimensions of writing Scored by two readers, according to a rubric covering 6 dimensions of writing
WrAP Scoring Rubric Overall development Overall development Organization Organization Support Support Sentence Structure Sentence Structure Word Choice Word Choice Mechanics Mechanics Each dimension is scored on a 6-point scale Each dimension is scored on a 6-point scale
Why do we administer the ERBs? To gain information about students’ strengths and needs To gain information about students’ strengths and needs To inform instruction at the individual and curricular levels To inform instruction at the individual and curricular levels To give our students practice in test-taking To give our students practice in test-taking To evaluate our curriculum over time To evaluate our curriculum over time
How are test scores interpreted? Percentile rank Percentile rank Stanines Stanines Item analysis Item analysis
What is a Stanine? Stanine Percentage of Students Percentile Ranks
Norms National Norms National Norms Suburban Norms Suburban Norms Independent Norms Independent Norms
ERB Reports for Parents Primary Grade Parent Report (Grade 3) Primary Grade Parent Report (Grade 3) Individual Narrative Report Individual Narrative Report (Grades 4 to 6) (Grades 4 to 6) FSH also provides parents with the Individual Instructional Summary designed for teachers (Grades 4 to 6) FSH also provides parents with the Individual Instructional Summary designed for teachers (Grades 4 to 6)
ERB Reports for Teachers Provide insight into students’ particular strengths and needs Provide insight into students’ particular strengths and needs Provide another perspective on student performance, in addition to classroom assessments Provide another perspective on student performance, in addition to classroom assessments Provide information to guide curriculum planning and to improve our instructional program Provide information to guide curriculum planning and to improve our instructional program
FSH Student Performance on the ERB tests FSH students’ performance on the tests is very strong FSH students’ performance on the tests is very strong This year’s sixth-grade students’ median scaled scores surpassed the independent school median and the NAIS median in nearly all areas This year’s sixth-grade students’ median scaled scores surpassed the independent school median and the NAIS median in nearly all areas Significant improvement in scores on Writing Mechanics subtest Significant improvement in scores on Writing Mechanics subtest
Reading Comprehension Item Analysis, Sixth Grade
Mathematics Item Analysis, Sixth Grade
What can parents do? Read, read, read! (and relax!) Read, read, read! (and relax!) Read aloud to your children, even those in the Intermediate School. Choose books that you love and want to share. Read aloud to your children, even those in the Intermediate School. Choose books that you love and want to share. Discuss the meaning of new words that you and your child encounter in all types of reading and in other media--novels, newspapers, magazines, movies, television, websites. Discuss the meaning of new words that you and your child encounter in all types of reading and in other media--novels, newspapers, magazines, movies, television, websites. Discuss nuances of meaning to improve precision in word choice. Discuss nuances of meaning to improve precision in word choice.
Resources Classroom teachers--always the primary resource for ideas about supporting your child’s learning Classroom teachers--always the primary resource for ideas about supporting your child’s learning FSH librarian and reading specialist: Marian McKenzie and Lea Keil Garson are available to assist you in choosing books to read aloud and books for your children to read on their own FSH librarian and reading specialist: Marian McKenzie and Lea Keil Garson are available to assist you in choosing books to read aloud and books for your children to read on their own In-class test preparation: Lea teaches test- taking strategies and works with teachers to enhance vocabulary instruction In-class test preparation: Lea teaches test- taking strategies and works with teachers to enhance vocabulary instruction Test prep club: Tom Forstik offers this club each fall to help students prepare for the ERBs Test prep club: Tom Forstik offers this club each fall to help students prepare for the ERBs Writing Practice Program (WPP) Writing Practice Program (WPP)