Wrapping A Yorkshire Terrier
Preparing The Wraps 1.With wax paper make sure to lay the slick side down so that it will be on the inside of the wrap when you start working with the coat. 2.Fold the paper from the top edge to eliminate any sharp edges. The length you create this fold will determine the length of the wrapper. 3.Then fold the Paper in half with the first fold on the inside. All sharp edges should be to the inside of the fold.
Preparing the Wraps II 4. Fold in the outer edge that has the crease first. 5. Repeat step 4 from the opposite outer edge closing the wrap into a tri-fold. Make plenty of wraps for the entire dog. Vary the size of the wraps by adjusting the size of the fold created in Step 1.
Put Your Dog in Oil After bathing your dog spray him liberally with the Pure Paws Ultra Light Oil Pure Paws Ultra Light Oil and make sure the coat is saturated. DO NOT saturate the leather of the ears!
Wrapping the Tail When wrapping the tail always wrap at an angle. This helps eliminate much of the breakage. Make sure not to catch the tail in the wrap.
Fold the wrapper in half and repeat the fold once again. Wrapping The Tail II
Fold that wrap one last time and secure the wrap in place by wrapping a rubber band around the finished wrap. Double check that you DID NOT catch the tail in the wrapper! Wrapping The Tail III
To wrap the hind quarters or section off about ¼ of the dogs torso. The parts should be clean and divided neatly. Wrapping The Hind Quarters
Always hold the wrapper tight to the dogs torso. Keep applying pressure with your fingers as you continue working with the wrapper. This is very important in making the wraps come out nice and snug when you are done. Wrapping The Hind Quarters II
Smooth the wraps out as you fold them in half and keep that pressure applied. Wrapping The Hind Quarters III
Notice how consistent the pressure has been on the wrap as it was folded into place. Wrapping The Hind Quarters IV
When you are done wrapping the hind quarter of your dog, he should be even. Finishing Touch On The Rear
Continue wrapping the 4 sections on both sides of the dog. They should be even and consistent. Wrapping The Second Quarter
Make sure your wrappers creased nicely and keep your area neat. This will help make things easier as you wrap the dog. Wrapping The Third Quarter
Training your dog to hold still on the table is very important. Do not allow them to sit while you are wrapping. Wrapping The Third Quarter II
Again secure your wraps. Double check to make sure you are not catching any hair in the bands when you are securing the wraps. Wrapping The Third Quarter III
The neck can be a little tricky because of the hair from the ears and head. You may want to use clips to pull the hair out of the way. Wrapping The Neck
Make sure that when you are done with the neck that the parts are clean. Try to keep the packet as tight as possible. Wrapping at an angle can be difficult. Wrapping The Neck II
When making your parts for the head make sure to include the hair from the ears. This section is only ½ of the head the front of the part is from ear to ear and back to the neck. This is seen clearer in the next section. Wrapping The Head
Once the back section of the head is wrapped you can do the front. Keep your parts even and follow the top knot lines when making the front parts. Wrapping The Head II
Once both the back and front wraps of the head are done the need to be banded together to create a single wrap. Wrapping The Head III
Once you have both wraps banded together the wrapper should sit squarely on top of the head. Wrapping The Head IV
When wrapping the face divide the muzzle and keep the part clean on top. Make your lower part from the corner of the eye to the corner of the mouth. Wrapping The Facial Furnishings
Wrapping The Facial Furnishings II When you are wrapping the face make sure that the dog can close his eyes when you are done.
Wrapping The Beard Once the sides of the face are wrapped you can start the beard. Make sure to check these wraps daily since they can tend to get wet.
Wrapping The Ears If the ear fringes drag the floor make sure to wrap them as well.
Wrapping The Sides The next wrap should be between the ear and the muzzle.
Wrapping The Sides II This is how the side profile should look once you are done.
What A Handsome Guy! PS-> Don’t forget to wrap the chest
Time to wrap again Time to wrap again