ThermalNet EIE ThermalNet Wrap-Up Meeting April ThermalNet An integrated network on thermal biomass conversion for power, heat and transport fuels Supported by Intelligent Energy – Europe Programme of the European Community and IEA Bioenergy for PyNe
ThermalNet EIE ThermalNet Wrap-Up Meeting April 2008 Structure 2 ThermalNet = CombNet (Combustion Network) GasNet (Gasification Network) PyNe (Pyrolysis Network)
ThermalNet EIE ThermalNet Wrap-Up Meeting April 2008 Concept 3 Technology, Applications, Policy, Strategy Co-ordinator Technical issues Experts Task leader Non-technical issues Experts Task leader PyNe GasNetCombNet IEA Bioenergy
ThermalNet EIE ThermalNet Wrap-Up Meeting April TECHNOLOGY and APPLICATIONS, POLICY and STRATEGY TECHNICAL ISSUESNON-TECHNICAL ISSUES BiorefineryBarriers (T&NTB) Characterisation & analysisEducation and training Co-processing & co-firingEconomics FeedstocksEnvironment health & safety Fouling, corrosion, erosion Gas treatment Science and modelling Transport fuels Tasks
ThermalNet EIE ThermalNet Wrap-Up Meeting April TECHNOLOGY Technology, applicationsCo-ordinator Policy and strategy TECHNICAL TASKS BiorefineryExpertsTask leader Characterisation & analysisExperts Task leader Co-processing and co-firingExperts Task leader Feedstocks and standardsExperts Task leader Fouling, corrosion, erosionExperts Task leader Gas treatmentExperts Task leader Science and modellingExperts Task leader Transport fuelsExperts Task leader NON-TECHNICAL TASKS EconomicsExperts Task leader Environment, health & safetyExperts Task leader BarriersExperts Task leader Education and trainingExperts Task leader PyNeGasNetCombNet ThermalNet
ThermalNet EIE ThermalNet Wrap-Up Meeting April Programme for Vienna Thursday 24 April Introduction and Welcome - Tony Bridgwater 09.15Feedstocks & Standards (2C)Michael Doran 09.45Modelling (2F)Columba di Blasi 10.15Barriers (3A)Wolter Prins 10.45Break 11.15Combustion Technology OverviewSjaak van Loo 11.30Fouling, Corrosion, Erosion (2D)Bill Livingston 12.00Co-processing (2B)Gerrit Brem 12.30Lunch 14.00Gasification Technology OverviewHermann Hofbauer 14.15Gas Treatment (2E)Eva Larsson 14.45Break 15.15Workshop - Strategy and Policy Tony Bridgwater, Sjaak van Loo, Hermann Hofbauer Group Dinner in Vienna town centre
ThermalNet EIE ThermalNet Wrap-Up Meeting April Programme for Vienna Friday 25 April Economics (3B)Max Lauer 09.30Environment, Health & Safety (3D)CIRAD 10.00Education and Training (3C)Leonardo Nibbi 10.30Break 11.00Pyrolysis Technology OverviewTony Bridgwater 11.15Characterisation (2A)Dietrich Meier 11.45Transport Fuels (2G)Herman den Uil 12.15Biorefineries (2H)Doug Elliott 12.45Close of Meeting 12.45Lunch 14.30IEA Bioenergy Task 34 - PyNe Planning for the rest of 2008
ThermalNet EIE ThermalNet Wrap-Up Meeting April 2008 PyNe meeting in Vienna 8 Wednesday 23 April PyNe Meeting (with IEA Bioenergy Task 34) Progress on Lignin Pyrolysis and Biorefineries and Economics 12.00Lunch 13.30PyNe Meeting (with IEA Bioenergy Task 34) Progress on Lignin Pyrolysis and Biorefineries and Economics 16.00Break 16.30WORKSHOP “Economic Process Evaluation” (3B)Max Lauer PyNe Dinner Friday 25 April IEA Bioenergy Task 34 - PyNe Planning for the rest of 2008