Bubble Wrap
Part I: (sing) Bubble Wrap! Bubble Wrap! Part II: (rap) Bubble wrap! Bubble wrap! Wrap it up! Keep it safe! Bubble wrap! Bubble wrap! Make it pop! It won ’ t stop! All: (sing & rap) Bubble Wrap!
All (rap): Wrap a gift, send it away. Wrap another for another day! Used for packing, that ’ s what ’ s done. Protects your stuff, but it ’ s fun!
Part I: (sing) Bubble Wrap! Bubble Wrap! Part II: (rap) Bubble wrap! Bubble wrap! Wrap it up! Keep it safe! Bubble wrap! Bubble wrap! Make it pop! It won ’ t stop! All: (sing & rap) Bubble Wrap!
All (rap): If you have some bubble wrap, squeeze then pinch it in your hand, then clap! You can pop it, make it go! Then you can be a one kid show!
Part I: (sing) Bubble Wrap! Bubble Wrap! Part II: (rap) Bubble wrap! Bubble wrap! Wrap it up! Keep it safe! Bubble wrap! Bubble wrap! Make it pop! It won ’ t stop! All: (sing & rap) Bubble Wrap!
Part 1: (sing) Bubble wrap Part 2: (rap) Bubble wrap All: (rap) Wrap it up!