S.A.T. Vocabulary Practice 10/9/12
S.A.T. Vocabulary Practice Look at your October S.A.T. vocabulary list and try to determine which words would best complete the sentences on the following slide. Hint: They are all words you worked with yesterday.
S.A.T. Vocabulary Practice 1. The smoke from the fireworks ____________________ shortly after the show was over. 2. The thief ________________ with my radio long before I noticed it was missing. 3. It is easy to practice _________________ if you are a billionaire.
“Lamb to the Slaughter” Wrap Up
Look at the cartoon on the next three slides Look at the cartoon on the next three slides. What kind of Irony does it represent? Why?
A Don Martin cartoon from Mad Magazine
“Lamb to the Slaughter” Wrap Up 1. Mary Maloney just murdered her husband and is now carrying out a clever plan to escape punishment, yet most readers find her a sympathetic character. How does Dahl create sympathy for the character? 2. Cite two examples of situational irony. What clues, or foreshadowing (if any), does Dahl give to prepare us for the unexpected?
“Lamb to the Slaughter” Wrap Up 3. Now that you have read the story, what do you think the title means? Is it appropriate? Is it ironic? How is it a play on words.