THE UK’S INNOVATION NETWORK Ben Peace, Knowledge @ktnuk Sustainable Resource Management in Action – Case Studies from Practice 30 th July 2014
The Knowledge Transfer Network Core funding from 130 staff 90,000 members 17 communities Our mission is to stimulate innovation: Linking organisations & exchanging knowledge Improving access to funding Promoting exemplars Informing policy The UK’s Innovation Network FREE!
Collaborative R&D Smart Launchpad Innovation and Knowledge Centres Entrepreneur Missions Technology Strategy Board toolset
Raw Materials Manufacture Distribution & retail UseEnd-of-Life
Raw Materials Manufacture Distribution & retail UseEnd-of-Life repair reuse remanufacture recycle reduce or replace
A more circular economy could increase UK GDP by £3bn Environmental Services Association Take-back model for TVs & clothing could increase UK GDP by over £1.75bn WRAP >80% of senior manufacturing executives said raw materials shortages were a risk to their business EEF Savings in materials alone could exceed $1tr by 2025 McKinsey
KTN activities in circular economy Structured around key enablers: 1.Design 2.Supply Chain innovation 3.Business Models Outputs: A significant and engaged community Web portal A series of well-attended events Ca. £6m brokered through recent TSB calls alone A series of case studies Reports Methodology for assessing materials risks in value chains Turning talk into action
Businesses that innovate in this area can: Reduce costs Reduce supply risks Generate value
Case studies:
LEDs 90% more efficient than traditional bulbs Contain complex mix of materials Low recovery rates, particularly from consumer
Detachable core sent in the mail Web connected – performance monitoring, wireless control “Consumer Lighting As A Service” Lease costs < energy savings Aim is to enable 95% of the materials to be returned to use Better design & service
Remanufacture 17
Remanufacturing £2.4bn in UK. Potential: £5.6bn 3 month inquiry set up by KTN psrg/research/report- remanufacturing-towards- resource-efficient-economy-0 psrg/research/report- remanufacturing-towards- resource-efficient-economy-0 Recommendations on policy including centre of excellence. To express support: develop-centre-of-excellence-for- remanufacturing/ develop-centre-of-excellence-for- remanufacturing/
With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community The REBus Programme Goals: profit, resource efficiency, resilience Assess state-of-the-art Develop 30 exemplary pilots Promote exemplars Develop “how to” toolkit Inform policy Programme overview: 3.5 years €3.1m VISION: “To be recognised as the leading enabler of more resource efficient business models in Europe” With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community
With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community Detailed market analysis Develop business model concepts tailored to your business Devise and implement pilot trial of new business model Analyse financial and other performance indicators Promotion of your business as an exemplar across Europe Support available
Funding Technology Strategy Board: –Feasibility studies –Collaborative R&D –Innovation vouchers –Smart (grants for R&D) –KTP (Knowledge Transfer Partnerships) Others: –Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS) –Horizon 2020 –Catapults –WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Plan) –…
£6m brokered to date
Resource Efficiency - Forward Plan CR&D Supply Chain Innovation for a Circular Economy Industrial Symbiosis KTP (up to £500K) Collaborative R&D Value from Waste (Up to £4m) The Great Recovery build community and scoping of systems opportunities Feasibility Studies Circular Economy Systems (Up to £1m) Collaborative R&D Circular Economy Systems big projects
Provided by the Technology Strategy Board Up to £5K for SMEs to work with a suitable knowledge provider Current themes include: –Energy, Water and Waste –Agrifood –Built Environment SME must pay any VAT on services provided
“Smart” grants for R&D Provided by Technology Strategy Board Three types of grant for SMEs carrying out R&D: Proof of market up to 9 months; up to £25K; up to 60% funding Proof of concept up to 18 months; up to £100K; up to 60% funding Development of prototype up to 2 years; up to £250K; up to 35/45% funding Can work with subcontractors where beneficial
How can we help you? Knowledge exchange Collaboration Access to funding Promotion Newsletters FREE! Get in touch!Ben Peace, KTN web: