Real Beal Girl Talk
What can YOWs do? Basic Need Support (food & transport) Resumes/Finding jobs Volunteer Opportunities Training Expense Listening support Advocacy Much more...
Who Are We? Jennifer Hill PROJECT MANAGER
Crazy About Mental Health? Research Project to decrease stigma of mental health Locally in London Using our communities voices to empower Right by You Campaign- youth focus Community events
Why we’re here? Talk about relationships Discuss social media and bullying Way to resolve conflict Share stories, music, videos Have a good time!
Before we discuss relationships with others…. ….let’s talk about our relationship with OURSELVES! Make sure we are healthy before expecting healthy relationships with others Awareness of our feelings, habits, routines, etc
Mental Health Scale
Mental Health & Youth Mental health affects us all, how much does it affect Canadian youth? 10-20% of Canadian youth affected by mental illness 3.2 million youth age years risk of depression Suicide accounts for leading cause of accidental death in youth years 1/5 youth who need mental health services receives them
‘GET WRAPPED’ Get into teams Pick 2 people to be wrapped Stand back to back Answer the question yes, wrap once around the body ***DO NOT WRAP ABOVE THE SHOULDERS***
Your Thoughts? How was it being wrapped? How did it feel after wrap was cut off?
What do you do to relax?
Self Care Healthy Eating Physical activity Reduce stress Mindfulness Set goals, make a plan Say ‘no’ when needed Be good to yourself!! It is important to make time and take care of our body and minds.
Legend of the Dream Catcher Hang a dream catcher above you while you sleep. Native philosophy believes that negative energy gets caught in the web of the dream catcher. This leaves the sleeping person below with positive dreams. The negative energy burns away with the morning’s sun.
Who Can You Go To For Help? Parent School Nurse Guidance Counsellor Trusted adult – aunt/uncle, older sibling, sports coach Emergency Response Team (911, Distress Centre Mobile Unit) Hospital Emergency Who Else?
Community Mental Health Resources
Now that we have ourselves figured out... we can have healthy relationships with others.
Relationships What kinds of relationships do we have in our lives? How are they different?
What are things that can put stress on a friendship? Your thoughts?
Relationship Strains Distance - moves, school Time spent – too much, or not enough No common interests Personal Issues - family, relationship, identity School environment Others?
What makes a healthy relationship?
Trust Healthy Relationships… Support Respect Honesty Negotia tion Equality What Else Do You Value?
What makes a unhealthy relationship?
Unhealthy Relationships… Control Hostility Intimidati on Abuse: Physical, Emotional, Sexual Dependence What are some other signs?
There are no perfect ingredients....
Friendship Give & Take
Conflict happens
Mean Girls
Conflict types Verbal vs. physical Loud vs. quiet Personal vs. relational In person vs. online Others?
Social Media and Relationships Types of relationships Cyber Bullying Privacy + Staying Safe
Case Study Amanda Todd, 15 From B.C., Canada Victim of online stalking and bullying Social Media main tool for offences Family advocates to criminalize cyber- bullying
How to Manage conflict Think before you act Breath, talk a walk Brain storm-think of solutions Listen & contribute Self-care Boundaries & privacy- secrets Don't believe everything you hear, check the source Think of consequences of your actions Ultimately, slow down, think about it, before acting with emotion