Precision Ag in Hay and Forage Production John Locklear
Hay Background Cutting/Swathing Raking/Tedding Baling
Forage Background Swathing/Windrowing /Chopping Crop stored to ensile (silo, pits/bunkers, piles, wrapped)
Precision Ag in Cutting/Swathing GPS Guidance o Lightbar o AutoSteer Tractor or Self Propelled Windrower Applications
Precision Ag in Forage Harvesting (Deere) HarvestLab o Measures crop moisture on the go Harvest Monitor o Productivity, yields, area, etc. IntelliGaurd o Detects metal in the cutterhead AutoLOC o Changes length of crop cut on the go; Improves bulk density GPS Guidance
Precision Ag in Forage Harvesting (Claas) CEBIS ( Data Management ) o Stores info from custom jobs, yield maps, etc. QUANTIMETER o On the go moisture measurement AUTO FILL o Uses 3D imaging to automatically fill the transport vehicle GPS Guidance
Precision Ag in Forage Harvesting Tractor Implement Automation o Used with a silage wagon o Senses windrow size and location o Speed and direction are automated from sensor information
Precision Ag in Baling (1) Monitoring Systems o Shows material in bale chamber o Shows bale diameter/size o LSB-Shows if knots were missed o Vermeer- Bale weight and moisture content
Precision Ag in Baling (2) Wrapping Balers o Wrap bales for silage after it is baled conventionally o More advanced monitoring systems
Precision Ag in Baling (3) Tractor-Baler Automation (Deere) o Used through ISO-BUS port, CAN communication o Automates stopping, wrapping, and ejection o Can be manually overridden, much like Autosteer
Precision Ag in Baling (4) Harvest Tec Systems o Tagging system: records weight, field, time, moisture o Adjusts amount of preservative applied depending on moisture