Smith College Athletic Training Services
Who we are: Deb Coutu, MS, LATC, CSCS BS and MS from Springfield College 20+ yrs of experience Kelli Steele, MS, LATC BS and MS from Central Washington University 20+ yrs of experience Aisha Visram, CAT(C), LATC BS from University of Guelph Advanced Certificate from Mount Royal University 4+ yrs of experience
What we do: …besides tape ankles and hand out ice
What we do: Injury Evaluations
What we do: Injury Evaluations Referrals to appropriate medical providers
What we do: Injury Evaluations Referrals to appropriate medical providers Emergency Planning
What we do: Injury Evaluations Referrals to appropriate medical providers Emergency Planning Emergency Care
What we do: Injury Evaluations Referrals to appropriate medical providers Emergency Planning Emergency Care Injury Protection
What we do: Injury Evaluations Referrals to appropriate medical providers Emergency Planning Emergency Care Injury Protection Return to Play Progressions
What we do: Injury Evaluations Referrals to appropriate medical providers Emergency Planning Emergency Care Injury Protection Return to Play Progressions Return to Play Decisions
What we do: Injury Evaluations Referrals to appropriate medical providers Emergency Planning Emergency Care Injury Protection Return to Play Progressions Return to Play Decisions Manage Medical Clearances
Who we treat: Intercollegiate Athletes Club Sport Athletes Aging Coaches, Grad. Assts. and Administrators
Where: Inside = Scott AT Room Outside = Golf Cart *All pre-practice and pre-game treatment is done in Scott AT Room (unless otherwise specified)
You are running late for practice. Can you run into the field house to get taped?
When we are available*: 10-1, 2-7 Mon-Fri (usually) 30 min before week-end contests All home contests (rugby, hockey, fencing, frisbee) *Subject to change with varying athletic and meeting schedules
You have a home game at 1 pm on Saturday. What time does the AT arrive?
You have a home game at 1 pm on Saturday. What time does the AT arrive? 12:30 (unless otherwise specified)
Treatment Priority: Athletes with Contests
Treatment Priority: Athletes with Contests Appointments
Treatment Priority: Athletes with Contests Appointments Tape/Wrap/Wound Care
Treatment Priority: Athletes with Contests Appointments Tape/Wrap/Wound Care Rehab/Modalities (As time allows)
Treatment Priority: Athletes with Contests Appointments Tape/Wrap/Wound Care Rehab/Modalities (As time allows) New Injury Evaluations (In-Season)
Treatment Priority: Athletes with Contests Appointments Tape/Wrap/Wound Care Rehab/Modalities (As time allows) New Injury Evaluations (In-Season) New Injury Evaluation (Off-Season)
Rules: Sign-In (every time)
Rules: Sign-In Leave bag outside (after 3)
Rules: Sign-In Leave bag outside Report all injuries
Rules: Sign-In Leave bag outside Report all injuries Get a note (if you go to the doctor or ER)
Rules: Sign-In Leave bag outside Report all injuries Get a note Make an appointment (to come in during less busy times)
Rules: Sign-In Leave bag outside Report all injuries Get a note Make an appointment Bring your own water bottle
You have a new injury that you noticed after practice last night. You should: a) Deb and/or Kelli to make a plan to get evaluated b) your coach c) wait until right before practice to get evaluated d) not say anything. It’s probably nothing. e) a & b
You have a new injury that you noticed after practice last night. You should: a) Deb and/or Kelli to make a plan to get evaluated b) your coach c) wait until right before practice to get evaluated d) not say anything. It’s probably nothing. e) a & b
You’ve had shin splints since 4 th grade and they’re starting to bother you again, but not enough to effect your play. You should: a) see an AT about it right before practice b) make an appointment to be evaluated c) wait a few weeks. It’ll probably get better d) schedule an appointment at Health Services
You’ve had shin splints since 4 th grade and they’re starting to bother you again, but not enough to effect your play. You should: a) see an AT about it right before practice b) make an appointment to be evaluated c) wait a few weeks. It’ll probably get better d) schedule an appointment at Health Services
You have worn only flip flops for the past few months. In the middle of practice, you feel a blister forming on your heel. You should: a) ignore it. How bad could it get? b) report it right away. c) rub some dirt on it.
You have worn only flip flops for the past few months. In the middle of practice, you feel a blister forming on your heel. You should: a) ignore it. How bad could it get? b) report it right away. c) rub some dirt on it.
You were not allowed to practice yesterday because of ankle sprain. Today you feel SO much better. You should: a) wait until right before practice to update the ATs b) Deb and/or Kelli and your coach before 1pm c) go directly to practice without checking in.
You were not allowed to practice yesterday because of ankle sprain. Today you feel SO much better. You should: a) wait until right before practice to update the ATs b) Deb and/or Kelli and your coach before 1pm c) go directly to practice without checking in.
You were not allowed to practice yesterday because of ankle sprain. Today you feel SO much worse. You should: a) wait until right before practice to update the ATs b) Deb and/or Kelli and your coach before 1pm c) go directly to practice without checking in.
You were not allowed to practice yesterday because of ankle sprain. Today you feel SO much worse. You should: a) wait until right before practice to update the ATs b) Deb and/or Kelli and your coach before 1pm c) go directly to practice without checking in.
Wounds: Keep clean Keep covered Get checked daily Watch for infection Swelling Redness Fever Pus Odor Pain
Secondary policy provided by Athletics
Insurance: Secondary policy provided by Athletics $500 deductible
Insurance: Secondary policy provided by Athletics $500 deductible See ATs for claim form
Insurance: Is there a chance you will have to pay some of the expenses from an athletic injury?
Insurance: Is there a chance you will have to pay some of the expenses from an athletic injury? YES
Insurance: What is the maximum amount you could have to pay for your injury?
Insurance: What is the maximum amount you could have to pay for your injury? $500