What Does Peter Say About the Believer’s Inheritance?


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Presentation transcript:

What Does Peter Say About the Believer’s Inheritance?

1 Peter 1:1-9: An Eternal Perspective 1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who reside as aliens, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, who are chosen 2 according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood: May grace and peace be yours in the fullest measure. 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, 5 who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

6 In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, 7 so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 8 and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, 9 obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls.

v4: Inheritance 4 εἰς κληρονομίαν ἄφθαρτον καὶ ἀμίαντον καὶ ἀμάραντον, τετηρημένην ἐν οὐρανοῖς εἰς ὑμᾶς, 5 τοὺς ἐν δυνάμει θεοῦ φρουρουμένους διὰ πίστεως εἰς σωτηρίαν ἑτοίμην ἀποκαλυφθῆναι ἐν καιρῷ ἐσχάτῳ. Who (the Father)… caused us to be born again to a living hope through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead Unto an inheritance which is incorruptible and undefiled and unfading, having been guarded in heaven for you, who are being shielded in/by the power of God through faith unto the salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

Peter’s Description of Your Inheritance ajvfqartoV (aphthartos): not subject to decay or destruction. “imperishable,” “indestructible” Emphasizes the power of the inheritance as a summary. Nothing can diminish the inheritance for which God has saved you.

Peter’s Description of Your Inheritance ajmivantoV (amiantos): Not defiled or soiled. Emphasizes the purity of the Inheritance. God the Father has saved you for the glory of an inheritance that perfectly accords with His Righteousness. Corollary: If it is impure, defiled, falling short of God’s glory, it is not part of the package of blessings that God has designed for your eternal inheritance.

Peter’s Description of Your Inheritance ajmavrantoV (amarantos): Not gradually withering (like the grass), or fading (like saltiness of salt) from maraivnw Emphasizes the eternal persistence of the Inheritance. All good things do not come to an end; the best things continue forever.

Three Concepts that Amount to SECURITY 1.In God’s provision for your eternal blessing that glorifies Him, the security is beyond question. 2.Power: Invincibility means that the omnipotence of God secures your inheritance. 3.Purity: Incorruptibility means that God’s Righteousness characterizes the inheritance. 4.Persistence: Imperishability means that God has created a package of blessing for you that will last as long as Himself.

v4: Inheritance 4 εἰς κληρονομίαν ἄφθαρτον καὶ ἀμίαντον καὶ ἀμάραντον, τετηρημένην ἐν οὐρανοῖς εἰς ὑμᾶς, 5 τοὺς ἐν δυνάμει θεοῦ φρουρουμένους διὰ πίστεως εἰς σωτηρίαν ἑτοίμην ἀποκαλυφθῆναι ἐν καιρῷ ἐσχάτῳ. Who (the Father)… caused us to be born again to a living hope through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead Unto an inheritance which is incorruptible and undefiled and unfading, having been guarded in heaven for you, who are being shielded by the power of God through faith unto the salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

“having been guarded in Heaven for you” perfect passive participle from threvw (tħreō) perfect: completed action in the past with enduring results into the present of the speaker. In this case, with eternal results. passive: the inheritance receives the action of being guarded The verb TĦREŌ means vigilance and action in the protection or maintenance of something. 1.This is personal: God Himself is viewed as the warden guarding your inheritance. 2.Remember that this passage is describing and identifying GOD THE FATHER.

3. The location of the inheritance is in Heaven. 4.The recipient of the inheritance is you, the believer in Jesus Christ. 5.“You” as the recipient of the inheritance and beneficiary of God’s protection of it changes the topic from God the Father to the believer who is God’s Heir.

“Who…are being shielded” frourevo (phroureo): To be guarded in a military context. Cf. Phil 4:7. present passive participle: – Present: continuous action, internal aspect – passive: you receive the protection – participle: articular (and therefore) adjectival participle describing the believer: You, as a believer are “the continuously shielded ones.” Your inheritance has been and always will be guarded, THREW; you yourself are constantly being shielded. Salvation is to a purpose: God wanted to bless you beyond your comprehension with “every spiritual blessing in heavenly places,” which is your Inheritance.

Who BY THE POWER OF GOD are being shielded” ejn + dative = “with/in/by instrumentality of” dunavmiV (dunamis): power or ability 1.The first principle in God’s grace is that His power is the only power that matters. 2.We do not “guard ourselves” unto salvation; God does. 3.Just as a believer does not save himself, so a believer does not maintain his salvation. 4.Yet salvation is secure because God is powerful and faithful.

“Who by the power of God are being shielded through faith” dia + genitive = “through” or “by means of” pistiV (pistis): faithfulness or faith Two main ways of taking “faith:” – 1) The object of our faith—God’s faithfulness – 2) The response we have to God—our faith. Usually this prepositional phrase in the NT refers to man’s response to God, recognizing God’s faithfulness by trusting Him. Universally, v5 is regarded as the faith of a believer as a means of appropriating God’s saving power.

Corresponding with God in Faith God’s provision = power Man’s response = faith Illustration: The Cross: God provided salvation for the whole world at Calvary (power), but only those who believe in Jesus as their Savior appropriate that provision. 1.Apparently the means by which God protects the believer with His omnipotence is the believer’s faith. 2.Remember: faith is the only way we can please God, Heb Remember: every test that God permits you to endure is a test of your faith so that you can glorify God as His heir.

“unto a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” 1.By context it seems that the salvation referred to in 1 Pet 1:5 is the full package of God’s inheritance blessings. 2.This includes Category 1: the resurrection body, eternal life, imputed righteousness, indwelling of the Holy Spirit; and Category 2: the conditional blessings that believers will receive at the Judgment Seat of Christ, like rulership with Christ in the Kingdom.