Shepherds Lane, Mill End, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, WD3 8JJ Tel: Fax:
Shepherd Primary School Smart Moves! Always try our best Keep safe Respect ourselves and others Be kind and caring
Mission statement and Core Values Our school community (children, staff, parents and governors) worked together to decide the values that this school believes in. These core values are: safety, happiness, confidence, achievement, respect, honesty, care, opportunity, motivation, healthy living, teamwork, friendship. School Aims: Our school community (children, staff, parents and governors) aims to: Learn and grow together within a safe, caring and happy environment. Encourage achievement in all aspects of school life. Motivate all children with a broad and challenging curriculum. Treat everyone with honesty and respect. Ensure opportunities for all.
SEAL (Social & Emotional Aspects of Learning) The class SEAL Stars of the week are awarded certificates during Monday’s assembly and can be seen on the SEAL board. Seal Theme: Going for Goals! Core Value: Achievement
‘Outstanding’ areas of the school (as judged by John Stewart, our School Improvement Partner from the Local Education Authority) March 2010 The quality of provision for children in Early Years The effectiveness of working in partnership to promote learning and well being The effectiveness with which the school promotes equal opportunities The schools’ engagement with parents The extent to which pupils develop workplace and other skills that contribute to their future wellbeing The extent to which children adopt healthy lifestyles Outcomes for children in Early Years The effectiveness of the school’s partnership with the Children’s Centre The effectiveness of leadership and management in the Early Years Pupils’ behaviour The extent to which children feel safe The safety and welfare of children in school Working with outside agencies to support children The schools’ participation in the Extended Schools Partnership Outstanding areas of the school
School Council Year 1 OrpheasEvelyn Year 2 BethanyOscar Year 3 KonstantinosEllie Year 4 LiaAiden Year 5 JackKaitlyn Year 6 NicoleMark
Covered Area Soft flooring New Equipment Children learning through play Covered Area Soft flooring New Equipment Children learning through play Early Years Outdoor Play Area - Quadrangle
3 Year Old Nursery o o We operate a government funded and OFSTED afternoon nursery for 3 year olds. o o Shepherd Afternoon Nursery is open five days a week from to 3.15 for children aged 3. o o 16 places o o Run within the school
BASE As part of our extended schools services at Shepherd Primary School we offer parents full wrap-around care from 7:30am until 6pm for children aged 5 to 11 years. This is located within the school grounds and is run by our BASE Manger, Maxine O’Kelly. This provision is fully OFSTED approved. Wrap-around care 7:30am - 6pm Breakfast and Afterschool 24 places for years Based in school
Rickmansworth Children’s Centre What is a Children's Centre? A children's centre is a place in the local community offering access to services for 0-4 year olds. Early Years - Good quality early years provision (minimum 10 hours per day, 5 days per week, 48 weeks a year). Inclusion - Support for all children and parents including those with additional needs. Parents - Parent support including toy libraries, parent and toddler groups and parenting programmes. Childminding - A base for a childminding network and/or childminding group. Employment Support - Effective links with Jobcentre Plus, local training providers, further and higher education providers. Outreach - Services in local neighbourhoods and home visiting. Health - Child and family health services, including antenatal services. Information - Local advice and information for parents.
Spring Term 2011 Tuesday 4 th January to Friday 18 th February Monday 28 th February to Friday 8 th April Summer Term 2011 Tuesday 26 th April to Friday 27 th May Monday 6 th June to Tuesday 26 th July INSET/Occasional Days 2 nd, 3 rd, 6 th September th January th April th, 26 th July 2011 Term Dates 2010/11
Ver Gade Colne Chess House System
House Captains Colne – Hanaa & AdamChess – Phillip & Anna Ver – Courtney & MatthewGade – Aaron & Megan
Year 6 Prefects Austeja Matthew B Anna Hanaa Megan Adam George R Courtney
Clubs Phase 1Phase 2 GamesMusicICT DanceGymnastics FootballTag Rugby Art and ClaySculptureCookery This term, the clubs available to children are:
Music We offer a range of instrumental music tuition Recorders Violin Piano Drums Guitar Clarinet Flute Brass
School Council At the start of the new school year, each class from Year 1 to 6 elect two children to represent their class. The School Council recently identified areas the children would like improved. Smart Moves Plants around School Magazine Shop New House Rewards Art Display around School The School Council are presently working on a new name for the Parent and Pupil Learning Platform The school has 3 Guinea Pigs which visit a different class each week Pupil Voice boxes are located in the school library and in the dining room Pupil Voice boxes are located in the school library and in the dining room
School Nutrition Action Group Two children from each class (Year 1 to Year 6), work with Mrs Foad as part of our new SNAG group. The focus of this group is to improve the quality and variety of school dinners. We have enjoyed implementing many positive changes to school dinners, but particularly enjoyed organising St George’s Day lunch (April 2010), World Cup lunch (July 2010) and a special school dinner menu tasting morning (June 2010). This year the SNAG group will focus on healthy packed lunches, improving school dinner choices and organising more themed lunches.
Our Website
Staff Car Park Children’s Centre Daybreaks Main Road Field Shepherd Primary School