1 How to Give a Great Presentation by Jim Patterson
2 What are some things that people fear?
3 You Are Not Alone
4 My Objectives Organize a Presentation Deliver a Presentation Effectively Use Visual Aids
5 Preview Speech Standards Types of Speeches Methods of Delivery Organization Voice Non-verbals Visual Aids Nervousness
6 Basic Speech Standards Make Direct Eye Contact Appear Confident and Natural Be Well Rehearsed Move Naturally
7 Types of Speeches Entertain Persuade Inform
8 Methods of Delivery Impromptu Reading Memorization Extemporaneous
9 Speech Organization I. Introduction Gain attention State objective Relate importance
10 II. The Body Logical Complete Concise Progressive Accurate Examples/Illustrations
11 II. The Conclusion Review of Main Points Remind Audience of Objective Ask for Questions or Comments Wrap Up/Call for Action/Story
12 Using Your Voice
13 Voice Quality Pitch Volume Inflection Rate
14 Enunciation Whadjudo last night? I toljuh I’d go with yuh. I heardjuh come in. Couldya come at noon? I wrotecha last week. Jever hear from Fred?
15 Control Speech Ticks First, Know You Have Them Second, Pretend They’re Burps Third, Close Mouth Fourth, Repeat!
16 How important is non-verbal communication ?
17 Things to Remember Make Eye Contact to Catch Non-Verbal Signals Watch Your Non-Verbals People Will Believe Non- Verbals Over Verbal!
18 Building Better Visuals Why Use Visual Aids What Are Appropriate Visual Aids
19 Building Better Visuals Minimal Text Use Sans Serif Font Large Fonts Background/Font Contrast
20 Better Visuals, cont’ Animate Text Bullets Import Relevant Graphics Use Sound Selectively
21 Nervousness Some is natural, normal, and helpful Overcoming nervousness: Form Proper Mental Attitude Prepare Well For Open & Close Be THOROUGHLY Prepared Tell a Story S-L-O-W Down!
22 How to Give a Great Presentation Voice Non-verbals Visual Aids Nervousness Speech Standards Types of Speeches Methods of Delivery Organization
23 Questions?