Word Processing The Basic by: Eleysa,Hizami,Earicka,Oliver & Ellavera
Introduction An office application that enables users to Create, Edit, Format and Print Textual Document. Offers commands that enables users to format a document so that they can create an attractive appearance. Examples: Corel Word Perfect, Microsoft Word, Sun Star office Writer by: Eleysa,Hizami,Earicka,Oliver & Ellavera
The advantages of using word processing over a type writer Disadvantages Don’t need to wait on documents. Equipment cost. Upgrade software. Train staff. More complicated. Virus. Advantages Faster. Edit documents. Change font, style and colour. Change layout. Print many copies. Less noise. Add picture and sound. by: Eleysa,Hizami,Earicka,Oliver & Ellavera
Formatting font You can change Colour of text. Font. Bold, italic, underline. Alignment (left, right, center, justify) size by: Eleysa,Hizami,Earicka,Oliver & Ellavera
Word wrap & search & replace Word wrap automatically creates a new line if a word does not fit. Search and replace is a feature to replace a word a number of times in a document, for examples Paris or Barcelona. by: Eleysa,Hizami,Earicka,Oliver & Ellavera
Spell checker and grammar check Spell checker works by comparing the typed word o words in computer’s internal dictionary, any word it does not recognize it will place a red line. Grammar check features works by highlighting sentences with a grammatical errors, this will show a green line if not right. by: Eleysa,Hizami,Earicka,Oliver & Ellavera
Standard paragraphs & mail merge Standard paragraph is a piece of text that has been typed up, saved to backing storage and inserted into a document a number of times. Mail merges is the process of linking the fields in a database to a standard letter. Step.. -Creates the standard letter -Create the database with fields -Merges the field onto the standard letter -Print by: Eleysa,Hizami,Earicka,Oliver & Ellavera
Thanks!! BY TEAM 5 Eleysa Emily Huil Nur Hizami Abd Rashid Oliver Fredeic Earicka Bandiong Ellavera Mazun Jocelyn Kenny Wong by: Eleysa,Hizami,Earicka,Oliver & Ellavera