WELCOME Est. 2009
Introduction Our Mission: Taking business communication to the next dimension through professional training in diversity and culture. Our Members: David Borchert – Communication Specialist David Pratt - Communication Specialist David Xiong - Communication Specialist
Doing Business in South Korea Business Structures Meeting & Greeting Communication Styles Gift Giving Etiquette
Business Structures Formal Hierarchy is important Personal relationships take precedence Maintenance of existing relationships is crucial
Meeting & Greeting Etiquette Greet each other with a slight bow Maintain eye contact Wait to be introduced at a social gathering Address people by their title or family name
Communication Styles Modesty & humility – Don’t oversell past achievements Eye contact shows honesty and interest, unless communicating with a boss. It is important to maintain patience and politeness at all times
Gift Giving Etiquette Gifts express a great deal about a relationship and are always reciprocated Use both hands when offering a gift Do not wrap gifts in green, white, or black paper Gifts are not opened when received Avoid overly expensive gifts
Summary Business Structures Personal relationships take precedence Meeting & Greeting Maintain eye contact Communication Styles Modesty & humility Gift Giving Etiquette Use both hands when offering a gift
Closing Communication is Key Remember that communication is seen as a means to developing good relationships. The way in which you deliver the message could, in fact, be more important than the message itself.
Thank you. Est. 2009