A Webquest for 6 th Grade Science Designed by Deborah Smith MOTION MAGIC Please click on each slide to advance show
You will be the magicians that make it all happen! So get your magic wands ready and let’s start! The forces that affect motion are magical! You cannot always see them. In this quest we will discover how the unseen forces of friction and gravity affect the motion of objects, and how mass plays a part.
Put on your magic thinking hats Using your magical powers of research and discovery, you should be able to know the answers to these questions at the end of this webquest: 1.Which surface made the car go faster? Why? 2.Which surface made the car go further? Why? 3.What other forces could affect the motion and speed of a car? 4. What would happen if we increased the height of the ramp? 5. What would happen if we added weight to the car?
1.Each team will research the topic on line and in print. 2.Each team will conduct the car experiment. 3.One person will be chosen to do the measurements. 4.One person will be chosen to be in charge of the experiment set up. 5.One person will be chosen to be in charge of recording the final results. 6. All students will give a short oral explanation of the results 7.All students will create a graph of the final result of the experiment Discovering the Magic
Sorcerers’ resources & supplies Supplies: Car Experiment Handout (includes data record sheet) 4-5 Books for stacking (from classroom) Board for car ramp (supplied by teacher) Sandpaper, Bubble wrap, Wax Paper (supplied by teacher) Scotch tape (supplied by teacher) Timers & Meter Sticks (supplied by teacher) Procedure handout and Data form (supplied by teacher) Optional pennies to weight cars (if time permits) Resources for research: Print materiel: Classroom Science Book Websites for research: (Be sure to click on the categories of friction and laws of motion as well)
Wequest Rubric ExcellentVery GoodAcceptableTry Harder Participation (30) Oral Report (10) Final Graph (20) evaluation
conclusion You have all learned how mass, friction and gravity affect motion. In our everyday lives all these forces and more are working constantly. The magic of motion is always at work starting with the smallest particles known. To learn more and have some fun, check out these websites. Then you will have even more motion magic up your sleeve!