Music Tuned Into Your Fingers April 5,2002
Goals of Project Create a glove that sends out signals based on finger position Use flex sensors, and an onboard MC Triangulate position of glove Use ultrasonics and Extended Kalman Filter Translate X,Y,Z position and finger position into MIDI signals Z-80 translates information into MIDI signals
Schematic Diagram COMPARATOR5 Flex Sensors (1 on each finger) PIC MC Ultra-Sonic Transmitter UHF Transmitter UHF Receiver UART MIDI serial Z-80 CTC Stopwatch Ultra-Sonic Receivers INT serial D 0 -D 7 NMI R B 0 –R B 4 RA0RA0 INTA Addressing D 0 -D 7 A 0 -A 7
Flex Sensors Circuit
Addressing Circuit
Stopwatch Circuit
Software Flow Chart (Z-80) Initialization Menu Loop Scan Set KeySet Scale Go Stop Key Press 2 * Stop and Go is a flag that determines if MIDI signals are sent CGOMJ 7-Segment Display Example StateKeyScale Key Press 1
Software Flow Chart (NMISR) NMISR : Non-Maskable Interrupt Service Routine From UART Finger Position Generate MIDI Code Send to UART Test Flag Return Go Stop
Software Flow Chart(IM1SR) IM1SR : Interrupt Mode 1 Service Routine Test Flag Time Values From Ultrasonic Calculate X Position Extended Kalman Filter Generate MIDI if necessary Send UART if necessary Return Stop Go
Software Flow Chart (PIC) Initialization Send Ultrasonic Sample flex sensor Send signal To Z-80 PIC Button Press Send Signal To Z-80 PIC Interrupt Service Routine State Change Change No Change Return
Parts List Mattel Power Glove (5) Flex Sensors Ultrasonic Transmitter (3) Ultrasonic Receivers PIC 16F873 Microcontroller (3) LP339 Quad Comparators TX MHz Transmitter RX MHz Receiver Z-80 Microprocessor 16550D UART 8254 Counter Timer Circuit
Group Responsibilities Andrew Howard Integration Adesina Bakare MIDI Guru Robert Zaretsky Glove Hardware Robert Ferreira Software Ryan Ferster Triangulation
Current Status Circuits designed Triangulation equations derived Glove with flex sensors and ultrasonics acquired Other parts need to be ordered Software in planning stage Derivation of Extended Kalman Filter equations needed
Timeline for Project Phase April 11 Acquisition and implementation of circuits. Start development of software. April 18 Integration circuits with glove, ultrasonics and RF transmitter/receiver. Continued development of software April 25 Period allowed for testing and troubleshooting. May 1 Preparation for Demo.