B AG O’ T HINGS Choose a bag. How many do you think you have? Do you think you have enough to fit in a ten frame? Will you have some leftovers? Use the ten frame and see how many items you have. Record your findings. Choose a different bag. Do you think this bag has more/less than your other bag?
B UILDING S TACKS You and your partner share a board, a die and cubes. Partner A rolls the die. He counts out that many cubes, connects them, and stands the tower up tall on the first square of his side of the board. Player B rolls the die, counts cubes and makes a tower on his side. Continue until each square has a tower on it. Make an estimate – How many cubes do you have in all? Record, then count and record the number word. Group your cubes into tens and ones and record.
L OTS OF L INES Choose a line card and record its letter in the box on the recording sheet. Estimate the number of cubes it will take to fit along that line and record that number. Place the cubes along the line until the line is covered. Count the number of cubes and record the number and word. Group the cubes into tens and ones and record.
M EASURE I T Choose a piece of string. Estimate how many tiles will it take to measure the length of the string. Lay tiles along the string to determine the length. Count and record the number word. Then, group the tiles by tens and leftovers. Write your findings on the recording sheet.
P APER S HAPES Choose a shape and record its letter in the box on the recording sheet. Estimate how many cubes you think it will take to fill the shape. Record your estimate on the recording sheet. Fill in the shape with cubes. Count the number of cubes and write it on the recording sheet. Group the counters into groups of tens and singles and record your tens and singles.
Y ARN S HAPES Choose a long piece of string and record the number on the recording sheet. Form the string into a closed shape. Estimate the number of tens and ones it will take to fill in the shape and record. Use cubes or tiles to fill the shape. Group the counters into tens and singles and record.
B EAN C OLLAGE Choose a bean collage. How many beans do you think are on the picture? How many groups of 10 do you think there might be? Use yarn to capture groups of ten bean.s Record your groups of ten and leftovers on the recording sheet. How many beans are on the collage? Record. Choose another bean collage and repeat.
M ITTENS Trace your hand with all of the fingers together and the thumb out. Estimate the number of cubes or tiles it will take to fill in the “mitten” and record. Use cubes or tiles and fill in the mitten, count the number of cubes or tiles and record the number. Group the counters in as many tens as possible and record.
G LOVES Use a crayon to trace your hand with the thumb and fingers spread apart. Estimate the number of cubes or tiles it will take to fill in the “glove” and record. Use cubes or tiles and fill the glove, count the number of cubes and record the number. Group the counters in as many tens as possible and record.