Build Arm Strength from a Young Age Basics of Throwing: Grip: Fingertips, 4-seam Wrist: wrist “flick” as a part of throwing Front Shoulder: Pointed at the target Arm Motion: Circular motion Lower Body: towards target, step with front foot, push off with back foot Follow through with arm
1)Run and Stretch to loosen muscles 2)Wrist Flicks from 6’-10’ 3)Both Knees on ground catch 10’-20’ 4)Arm Side Knee on ground catch 15’-25’ 5)Standing Catch building distance When needed: 6)Step behind throw 7)Crow Hop Long Toss 120’- distance 8-10 throws and then move in until again at 25’ 8) Quick Hands 25’
Ground Balls Ready Position: Athletic Stance, Glove in Front React to Ball: Get in front of ball –Approach ball: Not “Charge” –Fielding Triangle: Feet and Glove Glove out in Front, Look Ball in –Throwing Hand over the Glove –“Right Left Field, Right Left Throw” for Righties Throwing: Line Up GS Shoulder –Keep ball in center of Chest until ready to Throw
Drills- Ground Balls Partner GB Warm Up R/L Field, R/L Throw Fungo GB’s Slow roller OF hit GB’s to IF w/ no throw
Athletic Position on the Pitch Movement on Every Play Communication –“Ball, Ball, Ball” –“Take it, Take it, Take it” Run to the Spot Get Behind the Baseball Throw “through” Cut Off
Drills Pre-Game –Over the Shoulder –Ball “Drop” Route Running “Do or Die” In Between Communication (2 Players) Fly Balls
Stance –Signal –Relaxed (none on, <2 strikes) –Man On Receiving (NOT FRAMING) –Relaxed or Man On stance –Catch with glove horizontal Keep Thumb Under –Sway to keep head behind ball –“Stick” pitch for split second DON’T BRING BALL BACK TO HOME PLATE
Throwing –to bases will only be from the Man On Stance 1. Let the Ball Get Deep - GS Knee 2. Jab Step (TS) - Very Slight Movement 3. Hand/Ball & Glove to Centerline - Hand/Ball to Ear 4. STAY LOW 5. Front Shoulder to Second 6. Elbow Up and Follow Through Note: 4-Seam Grip
Blocking –Establishes Pitcher Confidence Man On Stance to Block Ball Down Middle –Recognize a ball in the dirt –Thrust feet back –Knees to where feet were –Glove to Ground, Hand BEHIND –Roll Shoulders Over –Head Down w/ Chin Tucked –Exhale on the way down: Soften Body
Ball to Side –Goal is the same position as Blocking straight away –Lead with the Glove –Jab with ball side foot –Push off with plant foot –Keep glove down, hand behind –Block ball back to plate Curveball –Will come back to AS when hitting dirt –Anticipate CB in Dirt Every time
Play at Plate –Left Foot on Foul Line in Front of Plate –Start Low and Square Chest to Throw –Catch Ball with Two Hands and Grab Ball w/Hand –Drop right leg towards runner and tag with Glove/Hand Catcher Pop Ups –Turn back to Infield –Slow Play to Ball –Head Behind Glove
Bare Hand Receiving –Soft Hands & “Stick” Pitch Glove Receiving Transfer Receiving –Bare Hand/Glove to Ear Throw Jump Turn Receiving –Catcher Perpendicular to Coach –“Ball” call and coach throws ball –On “Ball” jump turn and stick pitch Dry Blocking –3 position (left, down, right) –3 sets of 3 reps –All About FORM “Auschwitz” –Speed Dry Blocking –Coach points L/R and catcher blocks to side –Form important but speed is goal –“Get around” ball Traditional Blocki ng –Coach throws balls in dirt to catcher –Block Ball back to plate –Work straight down and side/side Jump Turn Block –Same as Jump turn Frame but balls straight into dirt Catcher Pops Up Plays at Plate –Coach hits fungo to simulate throws