The three types of puppet allowed for the Leaving cert course are Glove Puppets Rod Puppets String Puppets
Glove Puppets
Gloves Puppets Glove Puppets are usually made of fabric and are worked by your hand. Your hand fits into the body of the puppet and works the arms and/ or the mouth. Parts of the face and body should be stuffed to give the puppet a more professional finish
Rod Puppets Rod puppets are worked by sticks that are attached to the puppet. Usually one stick goes through the body and up to the head and two more sticks work the hands. The body is often soft and the face can be either soft or made of papier mache
String Puppets These are made by having strings attached to the head and body held by sticks from above.
3D work When making puppets or any sculptural objects its important to exaggerate the 3rd dimension. Try to focus on one aspect of the face such as the nose, lips, eyes, chin, forehead etc and widen it or elongate it to exaggerate your puppets character. Give your puppet an expression, happy, sad, angry etc. It can gain you extra marks in your exam.
Ron Muech