Personal Protective Equipment Hand Protection
Types of hand protection v Mitts v Finger cotts v Thimbles v Hand pads 1a
Types of hand protection v Sleeves or forearm cuffs v Gloves Chemical resistantChemical resistant LeatherLeather Metal meshMetal mesh Plastic filmPlastic film AramidAramid 1b
Types of hand protection v Physical conditions BreakthroughBreakthrough DexterityDexterity LengthLength SizeSize 1c
Types of hand protection v Barrier creams VanishingVanishing Water-repellentWater-repellent Solvent-repellentSolvent-repellent SunscreenSunscreen 1d
Safe glove use v Proper donning, doffing, adjustment, use v Inspect gloves for defects v Apply powder to hands 2a
Safe glove use v Be cautious when wearing gloves near machinery v Wash or rinse reusable gloves v Pull glove off by cuff, not by the fingers 2b
Safe glove use v Turn glove inside out when removing v Store reusable gloves away from heat sources 2c
Safe glove use v Contaminated gloves may need special disposal 2d
Safe glove use v Barrier creams Clean and dry hands before applyingClean and dry hands before applying Reapply frequentlyReapply frequently Wash off cream before eatingWash off cream before eating 2e
Limitations of hand protection v Use the proper glove for the job v Gloves break down over time v Proper fit is essential v Limits dexterity 3a
Care, maintenance, use, disposal v Requires proper fit v Maintain in clean, serviceable condition v Keep clean 4a
Care, maintenance, use, disposal v Inspect at regular intervals v Follow manufacturer’s instructions 4b
Housekeeping v Good housekeeping is an element of personal protection v Helps prevent injury 5a
Housekeeping v Moisturizing skin lotion Fights infectionFights infection Puts back moisturePuts back moisture Prevents dermatitisPrevents dermatitis 5b
Hand protection is needed to protect against v Mechanical injuries v Extreme heat or cold v Electric shock or burns v Skin irritation from chemicals or germs 6a