Material Safety Data Sheets MSDS – what you need to know about them
Preparation: Before you go any further, it would be helpful to download: ◦ Data sheet (click here) – to view the data sheet you will need to be in slide show, press F5click here ◦ This product, used as an example, is a commercial cleaning product containing some hazardous chemicals
What do MSDSs contain? Identification of the product Teepol Aluminium Cleaner ◦ - sales unit and stock code ◦ - address and contact details for the supplier
What do MSDSs contain? Composition/ information on ingredients. (Exact formulations & details of non-hazardous components not required – protects from rival manufacturers) CAS & EINECS are identifications codes Risk phrases (from CHIP data- see later) Alcohol Ethoxylate <1% Phosphoric acid 15 – 30% Benzotriazole <1% Formaldehyde <1%
What do MSDSs contain? Hazards identified (i.e. those known about when the product is used in the way the manufacturer intends) Irritating to eye and skin Large amounts could be hazardous to aquatic environment
What do MSDSs contain? First aid measures ◦ Eyes - irrigate with water minutes ◦ Skin – remove gloves and wash ◦ Ingestions – plenty of water to drink (This is incorrect - should be small sips!!) ◦ Inhalation- remove to fresh air Always check out first aid information with your Departmental First Aider or Safety Services
What do MSDSs contain? Fire fighting measures The material is non-flammable If involved in a fire anyway, it may produce hydrogen chloride (an acid gas) Breathing apparatus is relevant to the Fire Service – not us!
What do MSDSs contain? Measures for spillage or accidental release Spillage ◦ contain with sand or earth ◦ Beware of slipping hazard ◦ Do not allow to go down the drains (report any significant leakage down the drains to the water authorities – take advice) You will need to ensure that your department stocks appropriate materials to deal with these incidents.
What do MSDSs contain? Handling and storage Store away from food Tightly closed containers Away from children At temperatures between 5 o C & 30 o C Shelf life 1 year In this case, largely “common sense” information but for some products it could be more critical
What do MSDSs contain? Exposure controls &/or personal protective equipment (PPE) ◦ These are standard safety signs denoting the need to wear gloves, face shield and protective clothing. sort ◦ NB It does not tell you what sort of gloves are appropriate. You would need to find this out by consulting a gloves manufacturer regarding the hazardous materials in the product – see the “Guidance” section of Safety Services website
What do MSDSs contain? Physical & Chemical Properties ◦ Appearance – what it looks like ◦ pH – acidity/alkalinity of the product – a pH of <1 denotes significant acidity ◦ Flash point – it is not flammable ◦ Density (>1 means it is more dense than water)
In terms of hazard, both high pHs (strong alkali) and low pHs (strong acid) are nasty. For substances with pHs around 7 acidity & alkalinity are not generally a problem.
What do MSDSs contain? Stability & reactivity No stability concerns – it won’t “go off” Avoid contact with strong oxidisers, chlorine & chlorine products – nasty gases possible Contact with some alloys may produce hydrogen – explosion potential because of low pH! (but not in normal use)
What do MSDSs contain? Toxicological information (what nasty things will it do to you?) Irritating to organic tissue (skin & eyes) Inhalation of aerosol may cause irritation Ingestion – irritation to mouth & digestive tract (it’s a strong acid) Eye contact – may cause severe irritation (acid again!) Skin contact – irritation! Connected with first aid information here, but in some circumstances, may give details of longer term medical problems, where appropriate
What do MSDSs contain? Ecological information How environmentally friendly is it? ◦ Biodegrades – does not remain in soil etc ◦ Don’t release into surface waters eg detergents can cause unsightly rivers and may affect waterproofing of water birds
What do MSDSs contain? Disposal considerations ◦ Use suitable PPE (see previous information) ◦ Rinse out containers ◦ Don’t allow to enter drains ◦ Dispose of according to local regulations ◦ Do not mix with other waste This is not as formidable as it sounds – a bit of advice from Safety Services or Estates will help
What do MSDSs contain? Transport information ◦ None ◦ Where substances need special consideration for transport, it will be detailed here – usually only applicable to larger quantities
What do MSDSs contain? Regulatory information ◦ Irritant to eyes and skin ◦ Keep away from children ◦ First aid information ◦ These are “risk phrases” associated with the CHIP regulations – simple advice phrases ◦ There may also be symbols – as here, indicating “irritant”.
Risk phrases - examples R1: Explosive when dry R2: Risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources of ignition R3: Extreme risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources of ignition R4: Forms very sensitive explosive metallic compounds R5: Heating may cause an explosion R6: Explosive with or without contact with air R7: May cause fire R8: Contact with combustible material may cause fire R9: Explosive when mixed with combustible material R10: Flammable R11: Highly flammable R12: Extremely flammable R14: Reacts violently with water R15: Contact with water liberates extremely flammable gases R20: Harmful by inhalation R21: Harmful in contact with skin R22: Harmful if swallowed R23: Toxic by inhalation R24: Toxic in contact with skin R25: Toxic if swallowed R26: Very toxic by inhalation R27: Very toxic in contact with skin R28: Very toxic if swallowed R29: Contact with water liberates toxic gas. R30: Can become highly flammable in use R31: Contact with acids liberates toxic gas R32: Contact with acids liberates very toxic gas Up to: - R66: Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking R67: Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness R68: Possible risk of irreversible effects
What do MSDSs contain? Other information (variable) In this case it tells you its immediate application and how to use it
REMEMBER NOT MSDS’s are NOT Risk Assessments! They make no distinction between a gram and a tonne of a substance. When using substances you must carry out a risk assessment but use the information in MDSD’s to help you. Controls should be proportional to risk Controls should be proportional to risk! Not all MSDS’s contain comprehensive. information, although they should have! always If in doubt, always consult an expert.