Bench Garbage Can Urinals Hand Dryer Water Fountain Sink Toilets in Bathroom Needle Band aid Fire extinguisher Medicine Pill box Broken bottle Poison Warning cone Safety Everyday Things Fireman Dentist Doctor Hairdresser Chef Electrician Computer Operator Mechanic Occupations
Ketchup White Bread Donut Tomato Burger Pizza Pear Apple Food Facial Expressions Cow Crab Horse Fly Lizard Duck Cat Dog Animals
PC Printer Mouse CDs and DVDs Scanner CD Rom Drive Computer Components Dress Shoes Glove Hat Jacket Shorts Underpants TShirt Clothes Arm Ear Eyes Hair Hand Leg Toes Face Parts of the Body
Open Closed Big Small Big Small Empty Full Concepts Baseball Glove Baseball Glove Hand Paints Paintbrush Marker Drawing Which goes with which? Making a call Blowing your nose Drinking Climbing Washing hands Brushing teeth Riding bike Driving car Verbs
Signs What is wrong? What is missing?
Balloons Horse Ball Blocks Doll Gun Wagon Bear Car Bicycle Helicopter Tractor Steamroller Boat Bus Motorbike Toys Things that go