Basic boxing gym start-up equipment list FFP has put together the following lists to help advise Alumni organisations that are starting to deliver boxing for the first time, what they need in terms of equipment. There are two lists for two different types of gym: Drills and training (non-sparring): for gyms focused on non-contact training and drills, and aren’t ready or able to do sparing. This means you don’t need certain items, and some items are cheaper. Sparring: additional equipment, needed as well as that for drills and training, for gyms that are able to provide sparring and therefore have additional safety considerations. Please note that these lists provide just a rough guide to the equipment needed to set a basic boxing gym. There aren’t any international standards or legal requirements regarding the amount of equipment needed in a gym; the lists has been designed to ensure there is enough equipment to keep young people active and included in a training session, and that the young people feel like they are training in an authentic gym. The list is adapted from guidelines provided by The Amateur Boxing Association of England.
Equipment need for a drills and training gym (non-sparring) ItemWhat it’s for / specification Young people per item ratio Unit cost in UK Punch bags Iconic piece of gym kit that signals a space is a boxing club. Bags are used for practicing body punches, and developing power, and can be used to toughen hands. 8 YP per bag£150 Bag/Training gloves There are several different gloves for different purposes. Bag/training gloves are a good general option because they can be used on bags and pads. They are lighter in weight, and usually feature an unattached thumb. 4YP per pair£40 Hand wraps Wraps help protect the knuckles and tendons whilst training. They maintain the alignment of joints, and compress and lend strength to soft tissues of the hand during the impact of a punch. 4YP per pair£5 Skipping ropesHelps develop footwork for ring movement, improves timing and builds endurance. Important piece of kit for participants who don’t want to spar. 2 YP per rope£8 Focus padsHelps to develop technique and skills, and to practice various combinations on a moving target.10 YP per pair£20 MirrorAllows for more effective shadow boxing drills. The mirror helps the boxer to see flaws they make while punching. They can make adjustments and learn new punching combinations. Wall of mirrors£100 + Approximate equipment cost of a drills and training gym servicing 20 young people£900 +
Additional equipment, needed for a sparring Gym ItemWhat it’s for / specificationYoung people per item ratio Unit cost in UK Sparring glovesThe sparring glove is mainly used for practice matches. Heavier than bag gloves – they range from 12oz to 20oz 4YP per pair£80 Head guards Head guards protect competitors and reduce the risks of head injury to a lower level. Should be AIBA approved. 4YP per pair£50 Mouth guardsAs well as protecting teeth, guards can protect from knockouts, concussions and other internal head injuries contributed by a blow to the jaw. 1YP per guard£5 Boxing ringThe ring can be permanent, or portable if it’s a shared space or a club wants to do events in the community. Recommended size is 12x12 feet. The ring must have four corner posts, four sets of ropes and the inside floor of the ring must have protection of 1inch thick foam and canvas. 1 per club£1000 Approximate equipment cost of a sparring boxing gym servicing 20 young people (and including the costs of the drill and training equipment)£ Additional costsIn addition to equipment, there are essential regulatory and safety costs when setting up a boxing club. These vary depending on the local governing body, but might include: coach qualification, club registration and licence, child protection, health and safety, liability insurance, first aid equipment…