Receiver Gloves Hello, my name is Ian O’Shea. I am a ninth grader from Bellwood-antis.
Which type of receiver glove catches the footballs more often than other leading brands?
“ I can’t imagine playing with any other glove. When I wear Cutters I’m at the top of my game.” ◦Kevin Walter If Cutters weren’t the best I wouldn’t be wearing them.” ◦Terrell Owens
uses a different type of material than other receiver gloves. C-tack and unlike other receiver gloves when they get wet they don’t lose their tackiness. All you have to do is dry them off and it restores their tackiness.
My experiment has a lot to do with friction. Friction: Depends on surfaces
Hypothesis Cutters receiver gloves catch footballs more often than other leading receiver glove brands.
I tied a football onto a rope and tied the other end to a basketball hoop ( 3.6m)to create a pendulum. someone drop the football from the same height each time and had a receiver try to catch it.
Step 1.) Tie a rope through the laces of a football. Step 2.) Design and build a pendulum attached to the rope with the football on it hinged above a pivoting point.
Step 3.) Place the receiver directly under the pivoting point. Step 4.) Have the receiver under the pivoting point put on the receiver gloves.
Step 5.) Have a person on a ladder so they can drop the football and it will swing consistently each time they drop for each trial.
I did a total of 125 catches for each glove for a total of 625 catches for five people.
some of the receivers got tired near the end of the experiment. So the gloves that were used last might not do as good as other gloves. I did my experiment again and had everyone where a different set of gloves each time.
Brand of receiver glove.
Experimental Groups
My control group To make sure no outside influences were effecting my project I added a control group. My control group was catching the football without gloves to see if gloves even help you.
Control Variables 1. Temperature during experiment. 2. Height the football was dropped. 3. Length of the rope. 4. Size and inflation of football. 5. Amount of sleep and what the subject had for breakfast. 6. Can’t eat two hours before the trial. 7. Rotate the order of the glove because of fatigue.
Glove typeCatchesDrops Cutters10322 NFL Equipment 8837 Underarmour9233 Nike8936 Control5669
Chart of catches to drops
Conclusion My data doesn’t support my hypothesis. I reject my hypothesis that Cutters receiver gloves will catch footballs more often than other leading receiver glove brands.
improvement If I were to do this again I would have picked a different time of the year to do it. I would also use more test subjects to make my results more accurate.
Further research I could also test all different types of gloves. Such as baseball gloves and golfing gloves. After doing this experiment I realize I can test many other things that involve improving athletic ability.
Thank you for letting present my experiment.
I will now answer any questions that you have for me.