The Short and Long Term Effects of Rape and Childhood Sexual Abuse by Amanda Goodson
Rape (noun): is an assault by a person involving sexual intercourse with or without sexual penetration of another person without that person's consent. Synonym: sexual assault. The Different Types of Rape: -Acquaintance Rape (Date Rape) -Spousal Rape -College Campus Rape -Gang Rape -Rape in prisons, military and during war - Rape of Children
Short Term Effects of Rape Social / behavior changes: - Withdrawal - Sudden fear of the dark - Intolerance to being touched - Strange clothing - Increased aggressiveness and anger - Decline in educational performance - Increased curiosity about sex Physical - Excessive Crying - Disturbed sleep patterns - Unexplained injury to the genitals, mouth or anal area. - STDs Psychological: - Depression, - Suicidal thoughts - Post-traumatic Stress disorder
Long Term Effects of Rape Psychological: -Depression -Anxiety -Phobic avoidance reactions -Borderline personality disorder -Complex post-traumatic stress disorder Social/Behavioral: - Low self-esteem -Difficulty in developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships -Sexual dysfunction Physical: - STI infections (HIV, Herpes, etc.)
Victims of Rape are…...3 times more likely to suffer from depression...4 times more likely to contemplate suicide...6 times more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder...13 times more likely to abuse alcohol...26 times more likely to abuse drugs.
For more information visit: Bibliography: Russell, D.E.H.The epidemic of rape and child sexual abuse in the United States. Sage Publications, Inc., California, 2000.