Comparing Female Homicide and Intimate Femicide in South Africa 1999: 2009 Presenter: Naeemah Abrahams Investigators: Dr Shanaaz Mathews, Prof Naeemah.


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Presentation transcript:

Comparing Female Homicide and Intimate Femicide in South Africa 1999: 2009 Presenter: Naeemah Abrahams Investigators: Dr Shanaaz Mathews, Prof Naeemah Abrahams, Prof Rachel Jewkes and Prof Lorna Martin

Definitions Female Homicide –Killing of a woman Intimate femicide (IF) Killing of a women (age 14+) by an intimate partner (current and ex husband/boyfriend/same sex partner) Non intimate femicide (NIF) –Killing by a woman by a non partner Suspected Rape Homicide –Evidence of rape present (forensic and/or police) Convicted –convicted for homicide or culpable homicide Intimate suicides –Perpetrator suicide following the murder

Background Intimate femicide is the most extreme form of GBV

Number of homicide cases Less 1430 Less 325Less 567

Proportion of Intimate Femicide & Non Intimate Femicide

Population rates for 1999 and per Population (95% CI) 2009 per Population (95% CI) Overall Female Homicide 24.7 ( )12.9 ( ) Intimate Femicide8.8 ( )5.6 ( ) Non Intimate Femicide 8.6 ( )4.2 ( ) Rape Homicide3.4 ( )2.5 ( ) Gun Homicide7.5 ( )2.5 ( ) US IF rate = 2.0/

Mean Age

Intimate Femicide Population rates: Race & Age 1999 Per population 2009 Per population yrs yrs yrs yrs African Coloured Indian White

Cases with no perpetrator data

Rape homcides

Mechanism of death


Gun homicide decline in terms of number of cases Decrease All female gun homicide Intimate femicide gun murders Non intimate femicide gun murders No Perpetrator data

Blood Alcohol Concentration(BAC): Western Cape Data only available for Western Cape (unweighted) Legal limit – 0.04 grams/100ml 1999 (n – 153)2009 ( n = 88) Cases with + BAC62.1%59.0% Median: 0.11grams/100 ml0.24 grams/100ml Mean Range 0.20 grams/100 ml grams/ 100ml 0.22 grams/100 ml grams/ 100ml

BAC by mechanism of death

History of intimate partner violence


Conclusions The comparison of two identical surveys – ten years apart provide us with an opportunity to monitor GBV Overall reduction in female homicide Intimate femicide decrease less the - leading cause for female homicides in SA 3 woman killed by a intimate partner per day in SA in 2009 – – most likely a underestimate (1/5 of murders no perpetrator were identified) Evidence that work on IPV & GBV prevention is not effective – if it has been then we should have seen a bigger reduction in IF murders –Rape Homicides increased for NIF No evidence that Police investigations have improved Convictions have decreased Significant reduction in gun murders provide evidence that the Gun Control Legislation is working

Recommendations We need a co-ordinated – evidence based approach to prevention of GBV – with an accountable government body Police investigations and justice systems must give female murders attention as a priority crime Strengthen and support our Gun Control Legislation Use this survey as a monitoring tool in the absence of good national data... Provides insights on progress made to gaining gender equity in country... Recommend survey be repeated every 5 years