Do Now #6 In a FULL paragraph, write your reaction to the video. Include What are other forms of abuse? Why does abuse occur? Why is it hard to leave the.


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Presentation transcript:

Do Now #6 In a FULL paragraph, write your reaction to the video. Include What are other forms of abuse? Why does abuse occur? Why is it hard to leave the abuse?

Unhealthy Relationships Types of Abuse Statistics Date Rape What You Should Do

What is Abuse?? The intentional physical, emotional, sexual, and/or verbal maltreatment from one person to another.

Types of Abuse Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse Emotional/Verbal

Physical Abuse Intentionally inflicting bodily harm or injury on a person Shoving, slapping, kicking, grabbing, etc. Intimidation Use of weapons

Sexual Abuse Forcing a person to engage in sexual activities of any kind. Unwanted touching, forced sexual activities, pressure to have sex

Emotional Abuse Put-downs, insults, rumors Threats Possessiveness Overdependency Humiliation Accusations

Why Does Abuse Occur?? Risks of having unhealthy relationships increases for teens who: - Believe its OK to use threats or violence to get their way or to express frustration - Use alcohol or drugs - Can’t manage anger or frustration - Hang out with violent peers

Risks continued… Have low self esteem or are depressed Have learning difficulties and other problems at school Don’t have parental supervision and support Witness abuse at home Have a history of aggressive behavior or bullying

Abuse is about POWER & CONTROL Abusers may feel insecure or uncertain about themselves or may feel they have no control in their lives. This may cause them to use power and control in their relationships to make themselves feel better.

Statistics About 1/11 teens report being a victim of physical dating abuse each year. About 1/4 teens report verbal, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse each year.

Statistics About 1/5 girls has been physically or sexually abused by their partner. Nearly 80% of girls who have been physically abused in their relationship continue to date their abuser.

Statistics Nearly 1/5 teenage girls reported that a boyfriend had threatened violence or self-harm if presented with a break-up. Teen dating abuse most often takes place in the home of one of the partners.

Do Now #7 Abuse is about power and control, explain why this makes one feel better about themselves? What is date rape? What are date rape drugs?

A Look Into Your Relationships… Does your partner’s jealousy stop you from seeing your friends or doing things you enjoy? Does your partner make fun of you, insult you, or put your family or friends down? Do you make decisions TOGETHER? Do you feel comfortable saying “NO” to your partner? Has your partner ever threatened you to get what he/she wants?

A Look Into Your Relationships… Do you feel pressured by your partner to do things that make you feel uncomfortable? Does your partner help you to feel good about yourself by listening and respecting your opinions? Does your partner blame you when he/she messes up or when things go wrong? Does your date always need to know what you are doing?

Why It’s So Hard to Leave… Love Promises Confusion Denial Low self-esteem Peer pressure Guilt Fear Belief you can change your partner False hope

Date Rape Rape is a form of assault involving non-consensual sexual intercourse. Rape is an act of aggression and violence and is one of the most serious CRIMES.

Date Rape Even if the individuals involved know one another and have had sexual intercourse before, no one has the right to force a sexual act on another person. Rape is NOT about love or passion

Date Rape Alcohol and Drugs are often involved in cases of date rape. Alcohol inhibits an individual’s ability to think clearly and use common sense.

Date Rape Drugs Most common drugs used: -- Rohypnol (“roofies”) -- Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) -- Ketamine

Rohypnol A pill that dissolves in liquids. The new pills turn blue when added to liquids, however the old ones are still available. Effects: loss of memory, drunken feeling, problems talking/seeing, nausea, loss of consciousness, dizziness, confusion

GHB GHB comes in 3 forms – a liquid with no odor or color, white powder, or pill Effects – relaxation, drowsiness, dizziness, black-out, memory loss, problems breathing, slow heart rate, coma, death

Ketamine Liquid or White powder Fast acting Effects – hallucinations, lose sense of time, feeling out of control, slurred speech, loss of coordination, aggressive behavior, loss of memory

Where Do They Come From? Rohypnol – Legally used in Latin America and Europe to treat insomnia and to assist before surgeries. (Not legal in U.S.) GHB – Available in other countries to treat different types of sleep disorders (insomnia, narcolepsy, ect.) Ketamine – General anesthetic for human and veterinary use (legal in U.S., mostly used on animals)

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