Rape and childhood sexual abuse can have substantial short-term and long-term effects. Depression has been cited as one of the major effects of rape and childhood sexual. Depression causes sadness which can lead to suicide.
Human beings posses great memory and we cannot resist to flashback on past events. Flashbacks are long term effects of rape and childhood sexual. Flashbacks are inevitable and can cause trauma.
Sexually transmitted diseases are the greatest fear of every human being. Rape and childhood sexual can bring deadly sexual diseases upon the victim. Some diseases are short-term while others are long term.
Depression as I said earlier my lead to suicide. Rape and childhood sexual victims may get so depressed that they opt for suicide.
It is evident that rape and childhood sexual survivors have diverse reactions. These may include, depression, guilty, blame, as well as shame.
Clancy, S. A. (2010). The trauma myth: The truth about the sexual abuse of children--and its aftermath. New York: Basic Books. Thornhill, R., & Palmer, C. T. (2000). A natural history of rape: Biological bases of sexual coercion. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.