UN Committee District Meeting 2013 Sundsvall Version 1.0 MaryLou Espiritu Olsson D21 UN Committee Chair
MISSION Advance the Status of Women Worldwide VISION A Leading Advocate and Organization of Choice Goals Credibility & Visibility, Aligned Governance, Financially Sound Service International Service Projects and ZiSVAW local projects funding + local hands-on projects Scholarships AE, JMK, YWPA + locally funded scholarships Advocacy Advisory at UN + CoE, Events/partnering: 16 days, IWD, AE Day Publications: The Zontian, Webinars, research, policy papers, e-newsletters & stories of what works On a Foundation of Honest and Trustworthy Accountability (semi-annual reporting from Districts & Committees & annual reporting from Clubs) Zonta International biennium goal achievements public
2008, UN Secretary General 2009, UN Women 2012, Zonta International
The United Nations is the only place where governments come together to ponder the large issues that face the planet.
Zonta International is the leading advocate at the United Nations for women’s equality in all spheres of life. Zonta International has a general consultative status at the United Nations.
Issues we are most concerned with Violence against women Violence against women in conflict and post conflict areas Trafficking Female genital mutilation Women’s health Femicide Child marriage Sexual violence Physical abuse Rape as method of warfare Domestic violence Sexual harassment Honour killing Dowry murder Psychological abuse Deprivation of liberty Acid attack Breast flattening Forced abortionSexual slavery Marital rape Rape Stalking Forced marriage Forced sterilisation Forced pregnancy Bride burning Emotional abuse Forced prostitution Infanticide of baby girls ThreatsSexual assault Molestation Verbal harassment Eve teasing Coercion Battering Incest Discrimination
How do we influence these issues In all our locations, ZI UN Committee members belong to – NGO Committees on the Status of Women – NGO Committee on Trafficking – NGO Committee on UNICEF – Human Rights Committee – Committee on Aging – Working Group on Girls By working together in collaboration with other NGOs, we have more strength to influence member states and their missions to the UN By making statements to commissions and bureaus such as the UN Commission on the Status of Women and the CEDAW Committee By making statements to high level meetings on issues that are of importance to Zonta
Zonta at the United Nations Trusteeship Council International Court of Justice Secretariat Specialized Agencies General Assembly Security Council Economic and Social Council New York Geneva Paris Vienna
Instruments Zonta’s objects and policies Peace and Development, Justice, Human Dignity and Well-being for all people Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women, CEDAW - Articles 1-16 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action – 12 Critical Areas of Concern The Millenium Development Goals – MDG 3 and 5 Conventions and Protocols, Declarations and Resolutions International Bill of Human Rights, Core Human Rights Instruments International Advocacy Days
Zonta International’s Objects To improve the legal, political, economic, educational, health, and professional status of women at the global and local level through service and advocacy To work for the advancement of understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of executives in business and the professions To promote justice and universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms To be united internationally to foster high ethical standards, to implement service programs, and to provide mutual support and fellowship for members who serve their communities, their nations, and the world
Violation of human rights Violation of human rights Zonta International Advocacy Policy Zonta International Advocacy Policy Universal Declaration of Human Rights Letter of Protest
Send statement to the ambassador (of the country to register protest against) to the UN in NY Send statement to the ambassador (of the country to register protest against) to the UN in NY D21 through D21 UN CC D21 through D21 UN CC Registration of Letter of Protest Write and sign a statement Write letter of protest Consult with ZIP Send letter of protest to ZI through ZI UN CC Send letter of protest to ZI through ZI UN CC ZI UN CC ZI through ZIP ZI through ZIP
Quick ways to get involved Observe important advocacy days Take part in the 16 Days of Activism Campaign Support ZISVAW projects Join the Zonta Says No Campaign
Violence and Discrimination Violence and discrimination against women is an obstacle to the achievement of the objectives of equality, development and peace. Violence and discrimination against women both violates and impairs or nullifies the enjoyment by women of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Thank you! MaryLou Espiritu Olsson D21 UN Committee Chair