Rape is only one event that can cause PTSD, others include military combat, accidents, and violent personal assault. Symptoms of PTSD are severe anxiety, fear, and stress. Signs to look for if you think you may have contracted PTSD may be reoccurring memories and thoughts of your ordeal; and if you feel detached from others. The severity of this can differ from person to person. Seeing a therapist and taking medication may be two helpful actions of treatment. In Speak, Melinda showed symptoms of PTSD when she saw Andy Evans in and out of school. She compared herself to a frightened bunny rabbit that tries to remain invisible around Andy Evans.
Victims may feel an attachment to their abusers’ known as Stockholm Syndrome. The victim could be helping and supporting their abuser. Both victims and abusers can have positive feelings toward one another. Throughout the stages of Stockholm Syndrome the victim will distance themselves from their pain, and manipulates the abuser into being less dangerous. Then the abuser starts to share personal information with their victim to form a bond, finally the victim has to learn how to not disassociate themselves from their emotions and not focus on their abuser.
DID is a mental effect that causes a person to have two or more different states of personality. It takes control of the persons actions and how they behave. This is similar to MPD, Multiple Personality Disorder, when someone has two different personalities within them that take over the body in different situations.
Self-Harm and Self-Injury is when someone deliberately injured oneself for relief after being sexually assaulted. Throughout Speak Melinda bit her lip until sores formed because it helped her to cope with the painful feelings post rape. This behavior can lead to other things like low self-esteem, self-hatred, and a tendency to isolate oneself. In Melinda’s case these all effected her, she was very insecure, and made herself a haven out of an old janitors closet that had gone unused.
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