What is Sexual Assault? Nipissing University is a safe place, however … Fact: It does happen! What I have learned. Need to ensure that you have a great university career. Cases reported? Needs to be talked about in order to prevent it!
How to avoid Sexual Assault: You can choose what you do or not do. Trust your instincts as to what your limits are. Take care of yourself There are many ways that an aggressor may try and assault you. YOU ALWAYS HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY NO NO means NO! Unless you are clearly saying yes, then you are saying NO! NO set quota, you set your own!
Drugs and Alcohol = Risk Being a university student presents many opportunities to access drugs and alcohol. Always make sure you remain with your friends while at the bar and know when to stop drinking. Take a cab home or walk in groups down the path. Never walk alone. Many victims often blame themselves for a sexual assault that happens to them after having drinks or drugs. Date Rape Drugs - IT CAN HAPPEN! IT HAS HAPPENED! Prevention: Be careful, watch your drinks and do not leave them unattended.
Aggressors Remember that most aggressors are people who you may know. Never ever force sex onto another person. Watch your partner’s body language. If you are charged with rape or sexual assault, you could be convicted. A conviction means a CRIMINAL RECORD. THINK ABOUT IT! If you do not hear yes, then it is a NO!
The Victim Sexual assault can have a profound effect on the victims health and well-being. It can result in physical injuries as well as psychological and emotional trauma. Majority of sexual assault cases are committed by someone the victim is dating or knows. Women 16 to 24 Sexual assault can happen in many ways.
If you are assaulted… It can still happen. If it does occur then make sure you take the best possible care of yourself. DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF! Talk to someone you trust. Confidential counselling support is available at the University – talk to a Counsellor! Take care of your immediate medical needs. Give yourself time to heal.
What can you do to help? You may not be the victim, however, be a support system for your friends. First reaction: “Your lying” Hard to talk about, but they need you now more than ever! Watch what you say!
Resources: In the Community Amelia Rising – Sexual Assault Centre Crisis Lines: 24/7 – Call: 705 – 476 – 3355 North Bay & District Hospital Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Number: 705 – 474 – 8600
Resources: On Campus Student Development and Services Office Personal Counselling is available. Confidentiality is very important. To make an appointment go to the Student Development and Services Office or call extension Contact information can be found at: nselling.asp nselling.asp
Resources: On Campus Campus Security is always here for the students. Contact Information: Daytime: 474 – 7600 ext Cell Phone: 498 – 7244 Police, Fire, Ambulance: 911 Campus Safety Walk Program Campus Safety Whistle Program Emergency Telephones
Resources: On Campus Student Support on Campus include: Nipissing University Student Union Women’s Center NipPride Residence Dons * These are all student based support groups or individuals, but they are not certified to provide counselling. However, they are available if you need someone to talk to and they can point you in the right direction.
Thank You and Stay Safe! Any questions? Pamphlet’s are available with all of this information. Please grab one from Student Development and Services Office. Feel free to contact myself as well if you would like to review any of this information: Trina Prince Phone: 705 – 474 – 3450 ext Cell: 705 – 494 – 5163