Scheme Overview – David Buckley
Introduction GLAS is not a whole farm scheme. GLAS advisor must be used to complete your GLAS application. All actions must be delivered on LPIS parcels with a UAA – ref area. Exceptions are bat, bird and bee boxes and Commonage which will be paid on the GLAS Commonage Area – includes exclusions Bog/Marsh/Habitat/Rough Grazing and Scrub
Introduction – continued A Nutrient Management Plan must be completed by 31/12/2016 by a GLAS advisor. The farmer must complete training by 31/12/2017 delivered by a GLAS advisor. Payment to farmer for same. Participants with PEAs must deliver these General Actions
3, 4 or 6 metre grass margin can be sown containing at least 60% Cocksfoot or Timothy or a combination of these. The margin must be mulched, mown or grazed at least once per year (not between the 1/03 -15/08). Offtakes are allowed Must be in place on all tillage parcels on which a crop will be harvested in 2016.
Payment rates: €0.35/m/yr for 3m margin. €0.50/m/yr for 4m margin. €0.70/m/yr for 6m margin.
Min number of Bat boxes is 3. 3 boxes must be placed on a single tree, post or building facing in different directions. Max number of Bat boxes is 15. Bat boxes must be in place by the 31/03/2016. Payment rate = €13/box/yr.
Min number of Bird boxes is 1. Max number of Bird boxes is 15. Boxes can be placed on trees, posts or external walls of farm buildings at a max of 1 Bird box per tree/post/building. Bird boxes must be in place by the 31/03/2016. Payment rate = €6/box/yr.
Min number of Bee boxes is 1. Max number of Bee boxes is 5. Boxes must be made from wood, be draught free and fenced off from livestock. Boxes can be placed on trees or posts at a max of 1 box per tree/post Bee boxes must be in place by the 31/03/2016. Payment rate = €6/box/yr.
Min number of Bee habitats is 1. Max number of Bee habitats is 2. Bee habitats must be individually fenced from livestock and must be strimmed annually. Must be in place by the 31/03/2016. Payment rate = €45/habitat/yr.
Produce a sward cover by extensive grazing of parcels between 15/03 – 1/07 annually. Allow for a mosaic of short, medium and tall vegetation cover to develop. No fertiliser is allowed. No silage or hay to be cut. No machinery operations between 15/03 – 15/07. Payment rate = €366/ha/yr.
A tightly grazed short sward should be maintained throughout the year. Rolling not permitted between 15/03 – 15/07. Where cut for silage/hay, only 1 cut can be taken per yr. Max chemical N is 40kg/ha/yr. Payment rate = €365/ha/yr.
Produce a sward cover of tall herbaceous vegetation when meadow is closed off. No machinery operations from the 15/03 – 20/08 annually. Max chemical N is 30kg/ha/yr Cover areas must exist within the parcel and may be cut or grazed after 10/09 annually. Payment rate = €364/ha/yr.
Action can be taken on Grassland or Tillage parcels. Grassland - Sward height must be between 5 and 12cm by the 01/10 annually. No livestock access from 1/10 – 30/04 annually. Tillage –Winter cereal crop or catch crop must be established by 15/10 annually. Payment rate = €205/ha/yr.
12 metre margin must be established by the 31/05/ options: If 3m drill – 3m grass, 9m Grey Partridge Mix If 4m drill – 4m grass, 8m Grey Partridge Mix 3 or 4 metres of this margin must contain grass. Other 8 or 9 metres must contain Grey Partridge Mix. Min length of margin that must be delivered is 200m. Payment rate = €2.10/m/yr.
Seed Mix and Seeding rate for the Grey Partridge Mix: CROP TYPE Minimum Seed Rate Triticale 40 kg/ha Kale 3kg/ha Lucerne 4 kg/ha Perennial chicory 2 kg/ha Fodder radish 1 kg/ha All of these must be included in the GP mix.
Produce a sward cover with tall and tussock vegetation on a full LPIS parcel (may include heather and/or scrub). Traditional grazing practices must be undertaken to promote and maintain the development of tall and tussock vegetation - > 10cm. Max chemical N is 40kg/ha/yr. Parcels with rush cover are valuable to the Hen Harrier. Payment rate = €370/ha/yr.
This action is divided into Twite A, B and C. Twite A: Semi-natural/Semi-improved Grassland Field Management Option for Breeding Twite. Max chemical N is 35/kg/ha/yr. If Grazing, must graze half of parcels from 15/04 – 15/06; other half, next two months Mowing or topping is not permitted between 15/04 – 15/08. Payment rate = €375/ha/yr
Twite B: Improved Grassland Field Management Option for Breeding Twite. 12 metre margin must be sown and established by the 31/05/2016. Min length is 50 metres. Margin must be grazed and/or mown between the 31/08 – 15/04 annually, but not between these dates. Payment rate = €1.50/m/yr.
Twite C: Twite Winter Feeding Option. Sow a seed crop mix that provides winter food sources for Twite. Min area to be sown is 0.25 hectares. Max area for payment is 3 hectares. Crop mix can be sown either annually or bi-annually in springtime. Must be sown by the 31/05/2016. Payment rate = €900/ha/yr.
Mix of SeedRate of Seed Oats and Mustard 75 kg/ha of oats 10 kg/ha of mustard Triticale and Mustard 75 kg/ha of triticale 10 kg/ha of mustard Triticale and Oilseed Rape 75 kg/ha of triticale 3 kg/ha of oilseed rape One year seed mixes for Twite C – planted annually
Mix of SeedRate of Seed Establish half the plot with oats/triticale and half with kale 75 kg/ ha of oats/triticale 3 kg/ha of kale Kale remains in situ and re-establish cereal crop 75 kg/ha of oats/triticale Re-establish half as kale and half as cereal 75 kg/ha of oats/triticale 3 kg/ha of kale Kale remains in situ and re-establish cereal crop 75 kg/ha of oats/triticale Re-establish half as kale and half as cereal 75 kg/ha of oats/triticale 3kg/ha of kale Two year seed mixes for Twite C
Sow a suitable catch crop from list on page 35. Catch Crop must be established by the 15/09 annually. Min area of 10 ha (Priority Action) Min area of 4 ha (General Action) Max area of 32 ha. Payment rate = €155/ha/yr where not equivalence. If equivalence, payment rate will be reduced to approx €126/ha.
1 GLAS Advisor must submit a CMP for each individual commonage. A GLAS participant will be paid on the GLAS Commonage Area for this action - includes Bog, Habitat, Marsh, Rough Grazing and Scrub. Each participant on the CMP must reach their individual min EEs by 31/12/2016.
Each CMP must reach the total min of EEs for the commonage by the 31/12/2018. A CMP cannot exceed the total max EEs for the commonage at any time. Payment rate = €120/ha/yr. The reference area of the commonage in 2015 must not decrease over the course of the GLAS contract.
Coppice all selected hedgerows by 28/02/2017. Hedges can only be coppiced between 1/09 – 28/02. Min continuous length that must be coppiced is 10 metres. Max length that can be coppiced is 1,000 metres. Infilling if required must be carried out by 28/02/2017. Coppiced hedges must be fenced and protected form livestock. Payment rate = €2.20/m/yr. Boundary hedges not eligible.
Sow a grass seed mix containing at least 60% Cocksfoot or Timothy or a combination of these by 31/05/2016. Min area is 0.25 ha. Max area is 3 ha. Action can be delivered on full or split LPIS parcels. Parcel(s) must be fenced and stockproof. Offtakes are not allowed. Payment rate = €750/ha/yr.
A Sustainable Management Plan must be completed for each site which contains private Natura LPIS parcels on your holding. This must address: How the parcel is normally farmed and managed. Livestock type. Site description and dominant habitat type. Payment rate = €79/ha/yr. Can forgo for LIPP or THM if applicable.
Lay hedgerows by 28/02/2017. Hedges can only be laid between 01/09 – 28/02 annually. Min continuous linear length that must be laid is 10m. Max length that can be laid is 1,000 metres. Infilling if required must be carried out by 28/02/2017. Hedges must be fenced and protected from livestock. Payment rate = €3.70/m/yr. Boundary hedges not eligible
Slurry must be spread using either: A) Band Spreading B) Injection systems C) Trailing shoe Documentary evidence must be kept to confirm the spreading method used and volumes spread. Payment rate = €1.20/m₃/yr. Paid in arrears.
LPIS parcels must not have been cultivated in the past 8 years and must have been declared as forage on the SPS for the previous 8 years. Participants must have a grazing enterprise of owned livestock on the holding. Max area payable is 10 ha of Low Input Permanent Pasture or Traditional Hay Meadow.
Max chemical N is 40kg/ha/yr. The pasture must contain a min of 4 grass species other than ryegrass & a min of 3 other non-grass species. If heather is in a parcel, the parcel is not eligible for LIPP. There must be less than 30% Ryegrass cover. Parcels cannot be cut for hay or silage. Payment rate = €314/ha/yr.
A crop must be sown without inverting the soil. Min area is 10 ha as a Priority action. Min area is 4 ha as a General action. The action must be in place on the next crop establishment following approval into the scheme. Payment rate = €40/ha/yr.
Min area of 0.05 ha with 250 plants. Max area of 0.09 ha with 450 plants. Native species can only be used. Trees must be planted in rows 2 metres apart and 1 metre between trees within the rows. Trees must be fenced off and protected from livestock. Must be planted by 31/03/2016. Payment rate = €0.90/plant/yr.
Whitethorn, blackthorn or holly can be planted. 6 plants/m in a double row The hedge must be in place by the 31/03/2016. Min continuous length that must be planted is 10 metres. Max length payable is 200 metres. Hedges must be fenced off and protected from livestock. Payment rate = €5/m/yr. Boundary hedges – control of both sides
There are 2 options: 1) Establish and maintain a buffer margin around a visible archaeological monument in a tillage parcel. 2) Managing vegetation around a visible archaeological monument in an eligible grassland parcel.
Sow a 10 metre wide grass margin by sowing a grass seed mix by the 31/05/2016. Min number of monuments is 1. Max number of monuments is 20. Margin must be strimmed throughout the year and for the duration of the contract. No tractor operations can be carried out in the margin. Payment rate = €146/monument/yr.
Management of vegetation if applicable must be carried out before 28/02/2017 Min number of monuments is 1. Max number of monuments is 20. Machinery cannot be used to cut or remove vegetation. Management of vegetation must NOT be carried out between 1/03 – 31/08 annually. Payment rate = €120/monument/yr.
Participants must have had bovines on their holding in Parcels must remain in grass for the duration of the contract. All watercourses on the farm which are visible on the online system must be fenced except for watercourses on commonages & non-contract lands. Fencing must be a min of 1.5 metres from the top of bank Fencing must be in place by 31/12/2015. Payment rate = €1.50/m/yr.
Max number of livestock units is 10. Min number of livestock units is Participants must have been a member of an approved breed society in 2012 and/or All animals must be recorded on the Rare Breeds Record Sheet. Payment rate = €200 /LU/yr. Paid in arrears.
3, 6, 10 or 30 metre riparian margin can be established. Margin must be in place by 31/03/2016. An access point for machinery into the margin must be kept. Margin must be mown or mulched at least once per year but not between 01/03 – 15/08. No livestock access. Offtakes are allowed.
Payment rates: 3 metre margin - €0.90/m/yr 6 metre margin - €1.20/m/yr 10 metre margin - €1.60/m/yr 30 metre margin - €3.60/m/yr
Stone walls must be accessible and visible for maintenance. Walls built with mortar are not eligible for this action. Min continuous length of stone wall is 10 metres. Walls must be maintained from the start of the contract. Max length of stone wall is 4,000 metres. Payment rate = €0.70/m/yr. Half rate for boundary walls
LPIS parcels must not have been cultivated in the last 8 yrs Max area payable is 10 ha of THM or LIPP. Meadow must contain a min of 3 grass species, other than ryegrasses. Ryegrasses must occupy < 50% of sward. No grazing from 15/04 – 01/07. Meadow must be mown and collected after 01/07 annually Payment rate = €315/ha/yr.
Plant 10 fruit trees before 31/03/2016 in an area of at least 0.05 of a ha. Trees must be fenced off and protected from livestock. Payment rate = €23.50/tree/yr.
Wild Bird Cover is a spring-sown crop that is left unharvested over winter. 1 year or 2 year mix Sow a suitable seed mix by 31/05/2016. Min area is 1 ha as a Priority Action. Min area is 0.25 ha as a General Action. Max area for payment is 3 ha. Payment rate = €900/ha/yr
Seed mixSeeding rate where drilled Oats and Linseed 75 kg/ ha of oats and 15 kg/ha of linseed Oats and Mustard 75 kg/ha of oats and 10 kg/ha of mustard Triticale and Linseed 75 kg/ha of triticale and 15 kg/ha of linseed Triticale and Oilseed Rape 75 kg/ha of triticale and 3 kg/ha of oilseed rape
YearSeed mixSeeding rate where drilled Year 1 Establish half the plot with cereal crop and half with kale 75 kg/ ha of oats / triticale 3 kg/ha of kale Year 2 Kale remains in situ and re-establish cereal crop in half of plot 75 kg/ha of oats/triticale Year 3 Re-establish half of plot as kale and half of plot as cereal 75 kg/ha of oats/triticale 3 kg/ha of kale Year 4 Kale remains in situ in half the plot and re- establish half of plot with cereal crop 75 kg/ha of oats/triticale Year 5Re-establish half as kale and half as cereal75 kg/ha of oats/triticale 3kg/ha of kale
No map submitted showing location of actions Did not meet the min action requirement; 0.5ha for WBC; 30m for planting etc Undertook action in the wrong LPIS Action not fully carried out i.e. Planted hedge but did not fence it Margins were not delivered along the full length of a LPIS parcel or field boundary. Didn’t adhere to the deadline for the action to be carried out.
Farmers and advisors should familiarise themselves with the Penalty Schedule for GLAS which is available in the Terms and Conditions on the Department’s website.
Some actions are allowed to be taken along with an OFS payment e.g. Planting hedges, arable grass margins, private Natura, orchards. Others actions can be taken but only where the OFS payment is foregone for that area. The full list can be seen in Appendix 2 of the GLAS specification on the Department’s website.
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