Living Islam: A commentary on the “book of assistance” by Imam al-Haddad Ilm Intensive Courses presents Presented by Mln Abdurragmaan Khan Presented by Mln Abdurragmaan Khan
On Reflection You must have a wird on reflection The best time for reflection is early hours of morning Imam al-Haddad then mentions the various types of reflection
On Reflection Reflect in the wonders of the amazing creation of Allah, the inward and outward signs of His ability and the signs He created in the earth and the heavens قل انظروا ماذا في السماوات والأرض وما تغني الآيات والنذر عن قوم لا يؤمنون قل انظروا ماذا في السماوات والأرض وما تغني الآيات والنذر عن قوم لا يؤمنون Say look what is in the heavens and the earth الله This type of reflection increases your knowledge of the essence, attributes and names of Allah
On Reflection Reflect on the wondrous creatures He has made, and on yourself This kind of reflection results in the heart filling with the love of Allah, and continuously rendering thanks to Him... "وفي الأرض آيات للموقنين وفي أنفسكم أفلا تبصرون". In the earth are signs for those who have certainty, and in yourselves, can you not see?
On Reflection Reflect on Allah's complete awareness of you and His seeing and knowing all about you This results in you feeling ashamed before Allah should he see you where He has forbidden you to be This reflection increases your fear of Allah and encourages you to blame and reproach yourself Reflect on your shortcomings in worshipping Allah, and exposing yourself to His wrath should what He has forbidden you
On Reflection Reflect on the imminence of death and the regret and remorse when it's too late The benefit of this reflection is that hopes become short, behavior better and preparation for the hereafter This results in you loving the pious, emulating their behavior and character Reflect on those attributes and acts by which Allah has described His friends and enemies
On Reflection Imam al-Haddad concludes this chapter with some heart to heart advice, He, may Allah be pleased with him says, The aim and spirit of awrad is presence with Allah. Aim for it... When you persevere in this, you become immersed in the lights of proximity... At which your heart becomes wholly intent on Allah and presence becomes its nature. At that time you have to exert yourself to be attentive to creatures... Such a condition results in one becoming absent from creation, engrossed in the Creator and extinct to anything that is not Him
On following Quran and Sunnah Reflect on the imminence of death and the regret and remorse when it's too late