Moving Through Shame, Fear, and Regret
Ground Yourself in the Present Until you fully accept where you are, you can’t move forward. Be Here Now! Actually feel all of the feelings that come up for you. Often, our “stuckness” happens because we are trying to avoid these feelings, so it’s important to just let yourself feel them. Remember, feelings are not wrong. They are what they are. When you feel them, you can get them up and out, which leaves you with a greater sense of determination and clarity. “Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift that’s why they call it the present”
Create a Vision Get super clear on the vision you see for yourself. Take time out of your busy life and allow your thoughts to be quiet. Give yourself time and allow the vision to come into light. Focus on this vision daily. Focusing on your vision daily allows you to align your thoughts and actions with that vision so every part of you can work together for your best interest.
Make the Decision Take a look at the path you are currently on. Then, take a look at your vision. Honestly, where do you want to go? Make the decision to move towards your vision no matter what. It all starts with a decision. Know that you can handle whatever the journey brings you.
Get Honest Here you are, you’ve made the decision, and you know where you are going. What are you scared of? Do a free form writing exercise with “Fears” written across the top. Get real honest about what you’re afraid of. Now, destroy it! Release those fears: out through your body, onto the paper, and into nothingness. Let It Go! The physical act of releasing your fears in this way creates room so that you can be open to more opportunities
Make it Bigger than Yourself When you have a mission beyond yourself, every choice you make not only affects you, but also affects those around you and closest to you. Each step forward becomes a little bit easier when you think of your bigger mission.
Find the Silver Lining Everything that brought you to this moment, all of your past choices, all of the “stuff” that embarrasses you or fills you with regret, molded you to become your best self. Trust your experiences. You don’t need to feel ashamed or regretful because of them. Learning from them is what is the most important.
Get Support Open up to those closest to you about your new direction. Find others who are going through the same thing to support and guide you. You don’t have to do anything alone! Make this easy for yourself and seek support in every way possible. We all feel fear, shame, and regret—and we can all move past them to live lives of purpose.