Let’s talk about it: The words theme, message, moral are all synonyms. When we think of any of these things, we’re really looking at what the story teaches us about life.
In the book The Summer My Father Was Ten, a father tells his daughter the story of his mistakes as a young boy towards Mr. Bellavista and his garden.
The theme in the story, The Summer My Father Was Ten is… Treat others the way you want to be treated…or Don’t do things you know are wrong or you might regret it! Stories can have more than one theme sometimes!
In this down south story, Uncle Jed is saving money for his own barber shop, when he uses most of his savings on a hospital visit for his niece. He ends up saving up all over again and opening his dream shop!
In the story, Uncle Jed’s Barber Shop, the author is trying to teach us… All people should be treated equally, regardless of your skin color. If you pursue your dream, you will accomplish it. You can do anything you put your mind to.
So- what are some synonyms for the ‘theme’ of a story? Moral or message The theme of a story is really what the author… Is trying to teach us about life!
Usually, with fictional stories like A Bad Case of Stripes or Teammates, we look for a ‘theme’ when we are asking ourselves at the end.. ‘What did I learn from that?’ Does anyone remember what we call it when we ask ourselves this same question at the end of a non-fiction text, like Digging up a T-Rex?
When we are focusing on a non- fiction text and we’re recalling the most important facts, that is always the main idea! Let’s think back to a couple of non- fiction articles we have read!
What was the main idea of “Tying the Score: Men, Women, and Basketball? The facts proved that men were making more money than women to play professional basketball! They also had more fans at their games. Do you notice how the main idea includes facts that we have learned from the article?
What was the main idea of, “Food for Thought: Cafeteria Menus Shape Up?” This article mainly taught us that school lunch nutrition has gone down hill. Children are gaining weight and not able to concentrate as well on their school work! Again, we are looking at the important facts we have learned from the article.
We are going to be focusing on theme this week, since we have already mastered the main idea! What is the theme of a story again? The theme is what the story is teaching us (lesson, moral, or message) Remember- we find theme in fictional books!